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P&E Exclusive: Obama Social Security Number; Selective Service Card Signed By Current

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  • P&E Exclusive: Obama Social Security Number; Selective Service Card Signed By Current

    P&E Exclusive: Obama Social Security Number; Selective Service Card Signed By Current Admin

    Birther Report



    Exclusive: Private Investigator Susan Daniels on Obama’s Social Security Number and More
    By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email

    (Sep. 13, 2013) — In 2009, Private Investigator Susan Daniels discovered that Barack Hussein Obama has been using a Social Security number with a prefix indicating that it was issued in the state of Connecticut. Daniels has reported that the first usage of the Social Security number she could find was in 1986, after Obama allegedly had graduated from Columbia University and was working as a community organizer in Chicago.

    In late June 2011, the Social Security Administration announced that it had changed its policy of issuing numbers by specific prefixes assigned to certain geographical areas of the country. It called its new policy “randomization” and explained it by stating that “Changing the assignment methodology extended the longevity of the nine digit SSN in all states. On July 3, 2007, the SSA published its intent to randomize the nine-digit SSN in the Federal Register Notice, Protecting the Integrity of Social Security Numbers [Docket No. SSA 2007-0046].”

    In a recent interview with The Post & Email, Daniels told us that the Social Security number Obama is using was issued in late March 1977, as were other numbers in close chronological proximity to his. Daniels submitted a Freedom of Information Request to the Social Security Administration and obtained the SS-5, or application form, for Thomas L. Wood, who passed away in 1981 and whose Social Security number was 042-68-4424; Obama’s ends in 4425. The documentation showed that Wood’s number was issued in the state of Connecticut on March 28, 1977 [Exhibit 14a-15 of lawsuit attachments].

    We asked Daniels if she knew to whom Obama’s number had been originally issued, to which she replied, “No, I have never been able to find that out.”

    Daniels said that contrary to reports issued by other researchers, Obama’s number did not belong to a “Harrison J. Bounel.” Her explanation of how Obama’s SSN became connected to the name “Bounel” was that there was “one entry” in a database on which Bounel and Obama’s names appeared together along with Obama’s Chicago address. She is convinced that there is no real connection between Obama and Bounel and that Bounel’s name might have appeared on the Chicago address because of a simple one-time typographical error.

    “I found Harry Bounel’s entry on Al Hendershot came up with Bounel with Obama’s SSN at the Chicago mansion address with one entry and said that Obama was using an alias based on that. But that’s not proof. I ran Harrison Bounel in the entire state of Illinois and he never showed up anywhere else other than that one entry,” Daniels said.

    In July 2012, Daniels filed a lawsuit in her state of Ohio asking for a temporary injunction to prevent Obama’s name from being placed on the state ballot for the presidential election until “it is determined that he is using a properly issued social security number.” The suit asked that Secretary of State John Husted launch an investigation into Obama’s use of the Connecticut-issued number.


    Daniels also filed the necessary papers to become a presidential candidate herself (see Plaintiff’s Exhibit 4 contained in documents in above link) for 2012.

    Daniels has a particular theory about why there are as many as 30 Social Security numbers associated with Obama’s name.

    The name “John Paul Ludwig” has been associated with Obama’s Social Security number in some reports, but Daniels said that she found no actual connection between the two. “I found his Social Security number,” Daniels told us of Ludwig. “He was born in 1890, he did live in Connecticut, and he died in Hawaii, and then people said, ‘It’s got to be him!’” Daniels told us. “But there is no logic in that. It’s one entry in a place that could have been a typo.”

    We asked her if she knew when Harrison Bounel died, to which Daniels responded, “I don’t even know if Harrison Bounel lived. When somebody shows up at an address in Chicago, it seems reasonable that they would show up somewhere in the state of Illinois besides that one address once.”

    Regarding Obama’s birthplace, Daniels does not believe that Obama was born in Kenya. “I think it’s more conceivable that he was born up around Seattle, because that’s where the family was from. Where would they send her but to family if she was pregnant? Then two weeks after he was born, she was registered for school.”

    The Post & Email asked Daniels if she ever ran the Social Security numbers for Stanley Ann Dunham and her parents, Madelyn and Stanley Armour Dunham, to which she said, “Yes, I have Stanley Ann’s Social.”

    “Do you think she was Obama’s biological mother?” we asked, to which Daniels responded, “It’s very interesting that you ask, because I don’t know whether I believe that or not.”

    We asked if she thought Stanley Ann ever used any aliases, to which Daniels responded, “I never saw that she did; I can’t think of any reason why she would have.”

    THE POST & EMAIL: Do you think she ever married Barack Hussein Obama Sr.?

    SUSAN DANIELS: Oh, no, they were never married. I saw the “divorce” certification, but nobody ever came up with a marriage license. She even had two different dates of their alleged marriage on two different islands.

    THE POST & EMAIL: Do you think the documents released from the State Department in 2010 on Stanley Ann are authentic?

    SUSAN DANIELS: Yes, because there was so much negative stuff about Obama Sr., so I think that’s all true.

    THE POST & EMAIL: How would one go about finding out if the Social Security number Obama is using was ever assigned before?

    SUSAN DANIELS: I wrote to the Social Security Administration, and they wrote back and said, essentially, “It’s in use.” And he is using it, but he stole it. It was assigned to somebody else on March 28, 1977. It was assigned to somebody who was born in 1890. In the lawsuit I filed, there were three and four pages of addresses going along with the cell phone he had, and on those pages, it listed his date of birth. Intermittently, under his date of birth, with that cell phone number, the year “1890″ came up. [See Plaintiff's Exhibits 8, 11 & 17b]

    However, we don’t even know if the date of birth is correct.

    THE POST & EMAIL: Mike Zullo also has expressed doubts about the birth date of August 4, 1961.

    SUSAN DANIELS: We can’t trust anything where Obama is involved.

    THE POST & EMAIL: How do you think Obama was able to obscure all of this?

    SUSAN DANIELS: He’s the plant. He’s the guy they picked out who they could get elected president. He’s the front man; he’s nobody.

    I read the story by Wayne Allyn Root where he talked about a professor who said he never had Obama in his classes. I called him about two months ago; his name is Henry Graff. He is 93 years old. I told him who I was, and I said, “The only reason I’m calling is that I read a story by Wayne Root,” and he said, “Oh, yes, I remember Wayne.” I said, “I just wanted to verify what was in the story to make sure that that was what you had told him,” and he said, “Oh, yes.” He couldn’t have been nicer.

    [Editor's Note: Wayne Allyn Root claimed earlier this year that he has been "targeted" by the IRS, as have many other individuals, organizations, and groups which the Obama regime may have viewed as political opponents.]

    He said, “I taught at Columbia for 46 years. Everybody who was a political science major at one point or another took a class from me or usually, several classes. I had [former Secretary of State] Madeleine Albright in my class. I never had him [Obama] in my class, never heard of his name, asked every other teacher in our section; none of them ever had him in his class. And the dean of the school said, ‘I never heard of this guy’s name, but I signed his diploma anyway.’” That’s what he told me.

    It’s very frustrating to know so much all of these years and nobody will do anything about it.

    THE POST & EMAIL: I recall seeing Husted’s response to you, so he must know.

    SUSAN DANIELS: He does know; they all know. They can’t not know. Look at Reggie Love, who just slipped…”When you’ve ‘traveled all over the world, documents get lost…”

    .................................................. ....

    Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:


    Last edited by bsteadman; 09-14-2013, 08:24 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2

    THE POST & EMAIL: Do you think it’s true that Obama went to Indonesia?

    SUSAN DANIELS: Yes, I think that’s true. I don’t think he was born in Hawaii, but I believe he was in Indonesia. A reliable source told me that the Hawaii Department of Health inserted a record for Obama into their system in 2008.

    I think that he is probably psychologically the most troubled person in the country. He had a mother who kept abandoning him, which I think explains his pathological attachment to Valerie Jarrett. The mother kept abandoning him; the grandfather was crazy; the grandmother was crazy. He didn’t have a chance. I almost feel sorry for him.

    But I think it’s very interesting about his sister.

    THE POST & EMAIL: Maya?

    SUSAN DANIELS: Yes. She was born in Indonesia, but she has a Hawaii Social Security number (Exhibit 17a in lawsuit). Obama’s sister’s number begins with “576″ and was issued in Hawaii in 1985 or 1986. She was born in 1971, so it makes sense that she was 14 or 15 when she got hers. But hers is a Hawaiian number. He was supposed to have been born in Hawaii, and she was born in Indonesia. That was another one of the documents I had in my lawsuit.

    THE POST & EMAIL: How could that happen?

    SUSAN DANIELS: Her mother was a citizen, so she would have gotten it for her.

    THE POST & EMAIL: So there was nothing unusual about that?

    SUSAN DANIELS: No. But Obama is supposed to have been born there, and he doesn’t have a Hawaii Social Security number.

    THE POST & EMAIL: I believe I missed that part.

    SUSAN DANIELS: The part that was interesting was not the lawsuit itself, but the documents that went with it.

    THE POST & EMAIL: As far as the year 1986, was that the first apparent use of the Social Security number Obama is using?

    SUSAN DANIELS: That’s the first time I ever found him at any address, but when they were phonying up his documents, that was the number they put on for his Selective Service application. He had never used that until after he was purportedly through with Columbia. However, I don’t think he attended Columbia; he never mentioned it in his book.

    THE POST & EMAIL: How do you find when someone first starts publicly using a Social Security number?

    SUSAN DANIELS: I have an assortment of databases that I can refer to, and once I found the Social Security number for him, I started running it on a bunch of different things. I just entered the SSN, and addresses started popping up all over the place for him. However, no address showed up for him in New York, before 1986, when he was allegedly at Columbia. In 1986, he was 25 years old, and the number should have shown up before then.

    THE POST & EMAIL: When are people required to obtain a Social Security number?

    SUSAN DANIELS: It did not become mandatory until 1985, and since then, you have to have it before you leave the hospital.

    THE POST & EMAIL: So there is no record that Obama used the number before 1986, but it appears on the Selective Service form allegedly completed by him in 1980?

    SUSAN DANIELS: Yes. You saw the copy of the letter from Selective Service. It’s amusing that it’s on a form dated 2007 which is supposed to be a copy of the letter he received in 1980. If you read the middle of the letter, all the way over to the right, it’s a 2007 form.

    THE POST & EMAIL: That would appear fraudulent.

    SUSAN DANIELS: Yes, one would think.

    THE POST & EMAIL: Do you know if Obama used an alias?

    SUSAN DANIELS: No, although Neil Sankey found variations of spellings in all of those entries. We have no way of knowing. I believe that this was not the first number Obama had. I believe that the first one would have shown him as a foreign student.

    THE POST & EMAIL: Is there any hard evidence that you’ve seen that shows he attended school here as a foreign student?

    SUSAN DANIELS: No, but they would have it at Occidental.

    THE POST & EMAIL: Do you think he really attended there?

    SUSAN DANIELS: Yes; in fact, he was thrown out of there.

    THE POST & EMAIL: He said he “transferred” from Occidental to Columbia.

    SUSAN DANIELS: He didn’t transfer anywhere from Occidental. I think they threw him out because he was not doing the work.

    THE POST & EMAIL: Others have raised the question of how a mediocre or failing student could transfer to a prestigious university such as Columbia.

    SUSAN DANIELS: Keep in mind that in the early 1980s, the CIA was supposed to be recruiting minority students from Occidental. [Zbigniew] Brzezinski is still around. I believe he is the one behind all of this. The CIA can do whatever they want to do. Another researcher told me that he saw the graduation list from Columbia in 1983, and Obama’s name is on it, but I told him about my conversation with Graff. He responded that maybe Obama went to night school; who knows?

    [Editor's Note: Obama reportedly graduated Columbia with a degree in political science. Zbigniew Brzezinski was National Security Adviser to President Jimmy Carter and sought to "normalize" relations with communist China.]

    THE POST & EMAIL: I recall that Breitbart put out an image purportedly showing that Obama graduated from Columbia in 1983. However, we have learned that an image on a computer screen means nothing.

    SUSAN DANIELS: What was interesting was that somebody said that when Obama was supposed to be at Columbia, he had attended the Patrice Lamumba School in Russia. I had heard that his name was on the list of honored students, so I went and looked. They had a list of 20-24 people. The fifth one up from the bottom was a blank space, and then when I went back a year later and looked, they had moved them up; there was no blank space anymore. And that was supposed to be a six-month school.

    THE POST & EMAIL: Was his name there then?

    SUSAN DANIELS: No, because he was already president by then. I think he spent much more time in Pakistan than three or four weeks as he pretended.

    THE POST & EMAIL: Do you have any idea what he might have been doing there?

    SUSAN DANIELS: No, but I know he didn’t get there on an American passport.

    THE POST & EMAIL: I’ve read both things about that: there was an article in The New York Times Travel section in June 1981 that recommended Americans to go to Pakistan as tourists. I also found many other reports that say that Americans could not go there then.

    SUSAN DANIELS: Keep in mind that she was writing for The New York Times and what we know about their position. When I came out with the Social Security information on Obama, look at the excuses people came up with: some woman said that he was at the age when his father was going to school and he could have visited Harvard on spring break. Except that Harvard isn’t in Connecticut; that was in the Cashill story.

    One of the things Jack Cashill asked me a long time ago was, “Has anybody ever really been able to dispute what you’ve said?” and I said, “No. Nobody has come up with anything valid. They tried with zip codes, and I discredited that, because there were only three potential zip codes that he might have had in Hawaii that lined up. Two of them never existed in Connecticut, and the third one was for the exclusive use of Union Carbide; it was a number used only by that company beginning in 1991. I looked up when the building was constructed and I called the post office there and spoke with a guy who had worked there forever. He said the zip code was used only by Union Carbide until a couple of years ago, and isn’t even in use any longer. So it didn’t even exist when they tried to say it was a zip code mistake. Those are the only two things they ever came up with; it was pathetic.

    .................................................. ......

    Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.[/I]

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:


    Last edited by bsteadman; 09-14-2013, 12:39 PM.
    B. Steadman


    • #3

      THE POST & EMAIL: Does the amalgamation of information you have about Obama make sense?

      SUSAN DANIELS: He has more strange things wrong with his life or “mistakes” of anybody I’ve ever seen. How is that possible? I do know that the Social Security number he has is wrong.

      Although it’s not legible in the PDF file in the lawsuit, somebody had sent me a copy of the Massachusetts driving record for 1989 with his name, date of birth, and Social Security number on there for his driver’s license. People want to ridicule the thing about the person born in 1890, but I have an affidavit from a woman named Paula Hoehn [Exhibit 14b-7]. She sent me certified documents that she got from the Social Security Administration, and in it, the woman who has the number whose number ends in “37″ was born in 1896. The reason she was getting a Social Security number – and hers was issued on the same date as Obama’s – was that she had been using her husband’s until he died. So she needed to get her own. She was born in 1896, so 1890 is not so implausible. You’ll see the documents from Social Security [Plaintiff's Exhibit 14c-4] with the young man with the number before Obama’s. All of the numbers were issued March 28, 1977.

      When Social Security started in 1936, it was not mandatory that people get these numbers. It was mandatory only if you worked at a company that had 15 or more employees. My theory has always been that in 1977, somebody who was 87 years old was sick and needed Medicaid, and he could not get it without a Social Security number, so he or she applied for it then. I think the person probably lived just another year or two, and by the time Obama stole it, the person was dead and it didn’t matter.

      THE POST & EMAIL: And they probably figured nobody would find out.

      SUSAN DANIELS: Trust me: in a million years, none of them ever thought that anybody would find what I’ve found.

      Before it became disabled, Daniels was able to enter Obama’s Social Security number at the Selective Service website in a search query, which yielded the following screen shot:

      While supplying The Post & Email with additional information on her research, Daniels discovered that the signature of current Selective Service Administration Director Lawrence Romo appears on Obama’s purported Selective Service registration card printout:

      The Selective Service registration number for Obama matches on both documents.

      According to Romo’s official biography at the Selective Service Administration website, he began his working years in 1987 and therefore could not have been Selective Service Administration Director in 1980. According to the Selective Service, the director in 1980 was Dr. Bernard D. Rostker, which appears in his Wikipedia entry.

      In April of last year, Richard Flavahan of the Selective Service Administration told Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio that Obama’s original “paper and ink” registration from 1980 had been destroyed. Arpaio commissioned a volunteer Cold Case Posse in September 2011 to investigate Obama’s birth certificate, which had been alleged to be a forgery by several experts. Six months later, on March 1, 2012, the posse held a press conference in which lead investigator Mike Zullo and Arpaio announced that the long-form birth certificate posted on the White House website and Obama’s Selective Service registration form are “computer-generated forgeries.”

      While Daniels did not receive the above form directly from the Selective Service Administration, she said she is sure of the chain of custody.

      Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.

      View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

      Last edited by bsteadman; 09-14-2013, 12:36 PM.
      B. Steadman

