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Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Obama Investigation - Free Republic Thread

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  • Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Obama Investigation - Free Republic Thread

    Must See TV: Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Obama Investigation; New Criminal Evidence Coming

    Birther Report



    Must See TV: New Criminal Evidence About To Be Released; Sheriff Joe Arpaio

    This video outlines the document and ID fraud surrounding Barack Obama with his known aliases, AKA Barry Soetoro, AKA Soebarkah; and his Constitutional eligibility to hold the Office of the United States Presidency. Due to new criminal evidence, a 2nd official investigation has been opened by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office unrelated to the original ID fraud investigation of Barack Obama. The public has been put on notice of an upcoming press conference disclosing this new criminal evidence which has been characterized as “Universe Shattering” by lead investigator Mike Zullo of the Maricopa County Cold Case Posse.

    VIDEO ...:
    ( Video )

    Please join me in our quest for the truth. We have had to endure much criticism from the main stream media. We gave presentations to many members of Congress, some on our side ready to act. Most are fearful to step forward. We will hold both staff and elected officials accountable for not doing their job. Please standby, Sheriff Kit 2 will be released after the next news conference. We are ready to go back to Washington D.C. if needed.

    Mike Volin
    (570) 394 2570

    Show your support to Sheriff Arpaio and the Maricopa County Cold Case Posse by educating yourself as to the facts as presented, then inform others and seek redress from your representatives in Congress with the expectation that this violation of the Constitution and breach of public trust will not be tolerated. This systemic corruption, criminality, lawlessness and deceit inflicted on the electorate involves a cabal including all branches of government. The rule of law matters.

    Pixel Patriot

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    MORE PROMISES and more delays . We believe , hope and pray that sheriff Joe Arpaio and the cold case posse really do have the right information to have obummer indicted , removed and put away permanently ~ immediately . Let us see the info now and not wait another year .


    • #3
      Free Republic is running a thread titled 'Must See TV: Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Obama Investigation; New Criminal Evidence Coming', which was started 3/27/2014 by 'Seizethecarp'

      The thread references the 3/26/2014 Birther Report article regarding a video and information provided by PixelPatriot and Where'sObama' -

      View the complete Free Republic thread at:

      Excerpts from comments in the thread:

      To: LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; Fantasywriter; ...

      Nothing new in the video but a very slick, professional video laying out a review of prior claims as preparation for upcoming new revelations by Arpaio and Zullo.

      IIRC, Mike Volin and PixelPatriot are wired into at least part of what will be revealed...”soon”...according to Zullo and I expect that they were given permission by Arpaio and Zullo to release this video.

      Arpaio and Zullo have concluded that only a media campaign can get their new evidence into congress and this video is the beginning of that campaign, IMO.

      No criminal court filing will be made due to Barry’s constitutional protection which leaves impeachment, ultimately, as the only remedy for what will be revealed.

      10 posted on Thursday, March 27, 2014 1:56:14 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

      To: Mr. Wright

      It will blow up on the lame media as they have proof beyond a doubt. People like BOR will be eating their words.

      29 posted on Thursday, March 27, 2014 2:12:05 PM by Red Steel

      To: Red Steel

      They may have to eat their words, but they have been cajoled, harassed and threatened with termination if they report any birther information. Pretty sad state for our country that this would happen.

      34 posted on Thursday, March 27, 2014 2:17:33 PM by Fractal Trader

      To: wintertime

      There never was a set date. March was always a tentative date that Zullo threw out a few months ago. Actually, the date was really impossible to set with an active investigation going on. It still maybe in the next few days, but more likely later this Sspring.

      53 posted on Thursday, March 27, 2014 2:35:39 PM by Red Steel [/I]

      [I]To: Kenny Bunk; LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; ...

      “Where you plannin’ on takin’ this evidence?”

      I know you remember how Nixon went down. From what Zullo has said most recently a shock and awe media campaign will result in a contingent of Demorat party elders going down to the White House and advising Barry that the jig is up.

      It all depends, as with Nixon, on how solid the new evidence is and whether there is any wiggle-room left for Barry’s (sane) supporters to deny the “universe shattering” crimes discovered and proved beyond a reasonable doubt, if true as claimed.

      84 posted on Thursday, March 27, 2014 5:33:33 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

      To: Seizethecarp

      Lets see when Trey Gowdy and others like him gets the no crap proof and see what he does with it.

      86 posted on Thursday, March 27, 2014 5:38:19 PM by Red Steel

      To: 4Zoltan; LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; ...

      “Neither the MCSO or the CCP approved this video in advance.”

      Informal permission, which is all that I intended to convey, is not the same as formal legal authorization by a law enforcement entity. I made it clear that “permission” being granted by Arpaio/Zullo was my personal opinion.

      MCSO and CCP cannot legally “authorize” any such video officially, I would expect.

      But that doesn’t mean that there wasn’t a nudge, nudge, wink, wink “we won’t object to release of such a video as long as it sticks closely to prior statements” communication with those who produced it.

      89 posted on Thursday, March 27, 2014 5:44:41 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

      To: AnAmericanInEngland; LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; ...

      “If there were evidence, real evidence of criminal forgery, a criminal case could be filed yesterday.”

      It is most likely that Arpaio has found federal crimes which could only be prosecuted by Eric Holder, a demonstrably corrupt hack committed to protecting Barry.

      Just how do you suggest that Arpaio evade Holder to get a federal crime prosecuted?

      You remember Nixon and how that went down, don’t you? Nixon was NEVER prosecuted for any crimes by his own DOJ and NEVER even impeached. Nixon was THREATENED with impending impeachment based on evidence made public that was making his own supporters look complicit.

      Only when Barry’s supporters realize that the evidence is so bad that it will take THEM down will Barry be forced out, IMO.

      90 posted on Thursday, March 27, 2014 5:50:28 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

      To: Red Steel

      “If it’s bad, like a stinking beached whale, I give the Obama Administration about 6 to 12 months of survival until the end.”

      If the Demorats had any shame Barry would be out in a week, but after shameless Slick, the sex predator toughed it out, maybe your estimate of an Alamo-style stand in the White House lasting six months is possible.

      I would think that the paralysis in the markets from the uncertainty would cause all our overlord crony-capitalists and their lobbyists to pull the plug on Barry much sooner...

      94 posted on Thursday, March 27, 2014 6:03:31 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

      To: Seizethecarp

      Through Arpaio’s upcoming disclosure the public will learn about the deception of who Obama really is and the number of criminal activities that took place to perpetrate this deception on the American people.

      The public pressure will be on Congress to act and remove Obama et al. The aftermath will be devastating for the democrat party, forever known as the party of deceit.

      95 posted on Thursday, March 27, 2014 6:07:24 PM by Hotlanta Mike ("Governing a great nation is like cooking a small fish - too much handling will spoil it." Lao Tzu)

      To: Seizethecarp

      I would think that the paralysis in the markets from the uncertainty would cause all our overlord crony-capitalists and their lobbyists to pull the plug on Barry much sooner...

      I was giving a conservative estimate. In any case I'm on the offensive. Sending his some his OBots to jail will do too. The Dems get slammed in the mid-term, we may have an impeachable Congress. Arpaio comes up the proof, I'm going to be in their collective faces to no end.

      The media, the OBOts, and every other clown everyway but loose.

      96 posted on Thursday, March 27, 2014 6:11:44 PM by Red Steel

      To: Seizethecarp

      Holder will be implicated as a partner in the crime and getting around him will be no issue

      106 posted on Thursday, March 27, 2014 7:20:29 PM by hoosiermama (Obama: "Born in Kenya" Lying now or then or now)

      B. Steadman


      • #4

        To: CpnHook; LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; ...

        “But Hayes is not qualified to speak to the question whether an electronic document is a true scan of a hardcopy original or whether it’s electronic from origin.”

        Hayes claims to be a court qualified (can survive Daubert challenge) in both handwriting AND document examination and could easily have rendered a qualified expert opinion that the image of the WH BC (not the pdf file) was tampered with.

        From Hayes’ “about” page:

        “Reed Hayes is a court qualified handwriting and document examiner whose business is located in Honolulu, Hawaii. He has nearly 40 years of handwriting related experience, and has worked as an international consultant and speaker.

        “Reed is a graduate of the International Graphoanalysis Society and the Andrew Bradley Training Course in Forensic Document Examination (beginning and advanced). He holds certification from the National Association of Document Examiners and a certificate of training from the American Institute of Applied Science. Reed utilizes his handwriting skills in forensic document examination, personnel selection, jury screening and litigation support. He is the author and co-author of several handwriting related publications. Case involvement includes investigation of the purported Jack the Ripper Diary.

        “Qualifications (for further details see Curriculum Vitae)

        “Certified Document Examiner
        Court Qualified Expert Witness
        Board Certified Behavioral Profiler, ABFE
        Certified Master Graphoanalyst
        Paralegal Experience”

        It would expose Hayes to liability for false advertising and be professionally suicidal for Hayes to hold himself out to lawyers (of all people) as a court qualified expert witness in BOTH handwriting and document examination.

        No digital document examination credential is claimed by Hayes nor would one be needed by Hayes to declare the image produced by the pdf file to be forged, IMO.

        One of the key challenges to any expert is whether their methods are recognized by other experts in the field. Any expert who has written a widely accepted course in his fields of both handwriting and document examination, as Hayes has, will be nearly bullet-proof in court as an expert, IMO.

        See: Hayes’ current course on BOTH handwriting AND document examination:

        “Training Course in Questioned Handwriting & Document Examination

        “The Training Course in Questioned Handwriting and Document Examination teaches the fundamentals of forensic handwriting and document work. It is designed to equip participants with the knowledge necessary to launch a career in questioned document examination.

        “The training consists of 26 lessons which guide students from the basics of handwriting examination all the way through writing reports and appearing in court to render testimony. Each lesson is followed by an exam and numerous practical exercises are provided to demonstrate application of the principles involved. Actual case material is utilized and, in many instances, original documentation is provided for the student’s examination. Students are required to work several actual cases and pass an extensive final exam in order to qualify for the Certificate of Training.”

        171 posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2014 3:12:04 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

        To: Seizethecarp; little jeremiah

        It’s no doubt that it is a forgery, and to you Obama supporters, it’s all academic because Arpaio/Zullo have to the proof that it is a foregery. Argue all you want OBots to no avail, but as soon as they hold the presser it’s over.

        174 posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2014 4:43:22 PM by Red Steel

        To: CpnHook

        “But hardcopy documents and electronic documents entail two entirely different skill sets. You can’t move from one area to the other on the notion that one is a ‘document’ expert.”

        You have resorted to the non sequitur logical fallacy: your erroneous conclusion does not follow from your premise.

        Hayes can most certainly be a qualified expert in two separate fields, as am I (CPA and CFE).

        185 posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2014 5:28:23 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:
        B. Steadman

