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WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: America doesn’t have a racial problem – It has an Obama problem

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  • WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: America doesn’t have a racial problem – It has an Obama problem

    WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: America doesn’t have a racial problem – America has an Obama problem…

    The Ulsterman Report



    "A brief interview via email with our longtime D.C. Insider. I wish to express my gratitude for Insider’s willingness to take the time to respond as I understand they are incredibly busy of late.

    UM: Not certain if you have information on the death of conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart but it was requested by many readers that I ask you regardless.

    Insider: No.

    UM: Please update on the progress of the Fast and Furious investigation – primarily the status of Attorney General Eric Holder’s job security.

    Insider: We continue to be assured the ducks are being lined up to remove Holder. Just like you I am hopeful but also hoping I’m not being lied to on this. Nothing I have heard yet indicates I should be worried. But I still worry. Part of the job I guess. It was decided some months ago to push the issue out closer to the election. Not by me. I don’t have that kind of power of course. I was told by parties with access to those who do have that kind of power. I assume you noted the promotion of Mr. West? As I said, there is positioning going on with the AG office “just in case”. And I also assume you noted the testing of the waters for the Cali AG for Supreme Court? If not you need to be up to speed. It all ties in with what I shared with you already. If Obama gets his second term and the Democrats keep the Senate, a whole lot of the agenda is gonna fall in place. Very bad. Probably worse than any of us even realize.
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    UM: Are you willing to comment on the Arpaio investigation? The allegations of a forged birth certificate and selective service and social security?

    Insider: We are all aware of it. Media blackout of course, but lots of chatter. Be cautious though. Still questions regarding if legitimate or not. Could be. Certainly possible. There is something there on that subject I just don’t know what it is. And I have looked into it. Nobody inside wants to speak of it. ??? Haven’t pushed it for a while. Will poke around it again and see if anyone is willing to talk. I am focused on the election though. Can’t waste too much time trying to run that thing down. Sorry. But if I hear something I will pass it along.

    Watch for any information on the Supreme Court Obamacare case though. Starts soon and then a decision should drop by early summer. Could alter the entire landscape of the campaign. For better or worse. More ulcers on the way for me.

    UM: I am getting multiple reports of Obama fundraising concerns. -Name Deleted- involved?

    Insider: Yes. And proving extremely effective. Even got word on pressure mounting against Bernanke as well. Wants rate hike sooner vs later. Don’t understand the logistics of why but apparently involves at least one of the board members. He really does dislike Bernanke. Not sure the history of that he gets the old man riled up and he really doesn’t rile easily. You know that.

    Somewhat related to that even though you didn’t ask is information on the Israel situation. Gas prices. The Obama people have come up with what they call a “win-win” scenario. If prices continue to go up blame Israel even if no bombing of Iran nuclear plants takes place. Blame Israel for contributing to unrest. If Israel does act, then give verbal support while also blaming both Israel and Iran for gas prices going up. And blame the oil companies of course. So regardless of Iran being bombed or not, Israel and the Middle East unrest is to blame for the gas prices. Not Obama. Never Obama.

    Not saying what they have come up with is a good plan politically. It does show panic over the gas price issue. Real genuine panic. That’s good. Now we got to get the Republican leadership on point with the message. They are terrible at it. Very splintered and that worries me. Multiple directions and no clear message. You really have no idea how bad they are at this. Scary bad. Constant reminder of why I never wanted to be a Republican. If this is their best and brightest then God help us all.

    UM: Will Romney get the nomination and if so are you satisfied with that outcome?

    Insider: Yes on the first and I hope so on the second. His campaign team has been a bit off lately. They need to get their game on and be ready for Obama. Like I told you many times before. It’s going to be brutal. Did you notice the Florida shooting? The story of the Black teenager? How the media has been on that 24/7 and trying so hard to convince people America has this terrible racial problem? Bullsh-t. America has an Obama problem right now. That’s its biggest problem. And of course Occupy is coming back. The convention is going to be a mess. That’s what they want.

    UM: Can you comment on what we discussed briefly regarding another planned event by the Obama operatives? The real one this time? Not the practice run that you described the other event as being? The one you correctly warned was coming?

    Insider: No. That topic is not a good idea at this time. It will be summer. Before the Democratic convention. That is all I know for certain at this time and I am not comfortable even sharing that with you. Sorry. I don’t think you should include this. Too little information I can share. Not productive. Your call though."


    View the complete interview at:
    B. Steadman