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Mailman discouraged from telling Obama story -- WND

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  • Mailman discouraged from telling Obama story -- WND

    Mailman discouraged from telling Obama story

    Told family and friends: They 'did not want to hear this'




    "A retired Chicago-area mailman who has come forward with his first-person recollection of a clean-cut young man he identified as Barack Obama who approached him and told him he was going to be president says he wasn’t worried about relating his experience, but he also wasn’t encouraged by friends and family.

    Allen Hulton, who previously told WND in a videotaped interview about meeting Obama long before his political career was launched in Chicago, was interviewed by Mark Gillar on his BlogTalkRadio program just days ago.

    Gillar asked him why he didn’t made a more concerted effort to tell people about how Mary Ayers, the mother of longtime Obama associate Bill Ayers and one of the residents to whom he delivered mail, boasted of helping this “foreign” student with his college.

    “I have a very good answer to that,” Hulton said. “I did mention it to a family member, to friends. Because of their reaction, they were not impressed, they tried to explain it away.”

    One family member, especially, “did not want to hear this,” Hulton said. “I figured that would be the reaction if I came forward.”

    But he has not, however, tried to keep it a secret.

    “Over these several years, I have told it to groups of people, places that I go for meetings, activities that I am involved in,” he said.

    But he agreed with Gillar’s characterization that while he was telling people, not a whole lot of people were listening.

    He confirmed that he still has not been approached by any of the “big boys” – the networks or major talk radio interests, about his remembrance that Mary Ayers told him of helping with “foreign” student and then Obama’s statement, in a matter-of-fact way as if the issue already was decided, that he would be president."

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    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman