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Sheriff Arpaio's Lead InvestigaStor Gives Update On "Universe-Shattering" Obama Info

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  • Sheriff Arpaio's Lead InvestigaStor Gives Update On "Universe-Shattering" Obama Info

    Report: Sheriff Arpaio's Lead Investigator Gives Update On "Universe-Shattering" Obama Info

    Birther Report



    WND Report: Sheriff Arpaio's Lead Investigator Gives Update On "Universe-Shattering" Obama Eligibility Info

    Maricopa County Sheriff's Cold Case Posse lead investigator spoke with WND and gave the following update;

    Excerpt via WND:


    Reached by telephone, Zullo told WND in an interview his Cold Case Posse team commissioned by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office must resolve three legal issues before the new evidence can be revealed regarding the validity of the document posted online by the White House in 2011 as Obama’s birth certificate and a subsequent investigation of its origin.

    “We’ve cleared two, and the last one is problematic,” Zullo said of the legal hurdles.

    “If we can’t clear it, it may preclude this information from ever reaching the light of day. It may prevent me from ever disclosing what this is. But it does not mean we are not cultivating new evidence.”

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    Zullo explained that when he said in 2013 he was preparing to release the information, he anticipated “we were going to have these answers within weeks.”

    “As this was progressing, the legal issues started coming up, and it’s just put everything on hold,” he said.

    A racial-profiling legal judgment against Arpaio and a subsequent, ongoing civil contempt case against the sheriff that has taken a bizarre turn have only made it more difficult, Zullo said.

    “As far as releasing information, we’re pretty much under lock and key at this point,” he said.

    But he insists the document posted by the White House in April 2011 is fraudulent.

    “There are some very serious problems with that pdf file,” he told WND. “That’s not an issue.

    “Maybe he was born here, maybe not,” he said of the president. “That question has never been the focal point of our investigation. He may very well have been born here. Who knows?”

    So far, he said, there is no credible evidence of where Obama was born.

    “But I can tell you that I do not believe for one minute that he was born in the hospital proffered on the pdf,” Zullo said, referring to Kapiolani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. “And I certainly do not believe that document was originally created in 1961.”

    New approach

    Zullo said he has taken a completely new approach to proving that the document is fraudulent, starting virtually from scratch and not relying on previously submitted evidence.

    “It has nothing to do with the work that was done before,” he said of his current investigation. [...] WND.

    Continue reading at WND here.

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