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Video: Donald Trump Unloads: Obama Was Never Qualified To Be President; Ask His Wife

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  • Video: Donald Trump Unloads: Obama Was Never Qualified To Be President; Ask His Wife

    Full Video: Donald Trump Unloads: Obama Was Never Qualified To Be President; Ask His Wife

    Birther Report



    Today Donald Trump sat down for a Q&A at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa.

    Frank Luntz asked Trump if Obama loves America and if Obama is a moral pResident.

    Trump's short response follows;


    ( Video via CSPAN @ The Savage Nation )

    Here's the complete discussion where Trump unloads on Obama, McCain, Clinton, among others;

    ( Video via The Savage Nation )


    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 07-19-2015, 08:41 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Donald Trump: No apology to McCain, vows to stay the course


    Kevin Robillard


    Trump, who has stood by past statements questioning President Barack Obama’s birthplace and asserting many Mexican undocumented immigrants were “rapists,” is doing the same with his comments disparaging Ariz. Sen. John McCain’s military service because McCain was shot down and captured during the Vietnam War.

    “No, not at all,” Trump said during a phone interview Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” when asked if he owed the Arizona Republican an apology.

    Trump, who made his remark — “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured” — on Saturday at a gathering of Republican presidential at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa, also insisted the crowd was delighted by his attack on McCain.

    “I got a standing ovation, the biggest ovation they had all weekend, by far,” Trump said. “When I left the room, it was a total standing ovation. It was wonderful to see. Nobody was insulted.”

    He said the the GOP presidential candidates who were quick to condemn his remarks were motivated by jealousy.

    “Later on, the Republican candidates, some of whom are registering 1 percent and zero, and they’re very upset that I’m leading the polls by actually a nice margin, they’re extremely upset,” Trump said Sunday, adding: “They started attacking me.”

    He also said he wouldn’t drop out of the race, as former Texas Gov. Rick Perry called for him to do.

    “Of course, they’d love to have me do that because I’m leading the pack,” Trump said, naming Nevada and North Carolina as two states where polls show him in the lead. “I’m certainly not pulling out; I’m leading, and I’m leading in many states.”

    Trump said it was actually McCain, who still cannot lift his arms above his head because of torture he experienced while a prisoner of war in Vietnam, who needed to apologize — to the citizens who showed up at a Trump rally in Phoenix recently. McCain said Trump “fired up the crazies” at the rally, sparking their now weeklong feud.

    The people in Phoenix were “devastated by illegal immigration, something I’m very proud to have brought to the forefront,” Trump said. “We had thousands of people, and he said they’re all crazies. He called them crazies. And frankly, I think he owes them an apology.”

    Trump also continued to attack McCain for not doing enough to help veterans.

    “I’m very disappointed in John McCain because the vets are horribly treated in this country,” Trump said. “I’m going to fight for the vets. I’ve done a lot for the vets. And the vets — I’ve been going around to the campaign trail. They’re treated like third-class citizens. He’s done nothing to help the vets. And I will tell you, they are living in hell.”

    The billionaire real estate developer and entertainer said his experience helping to build the Vietnam Memorial in downtown Manhattan showed he could help veterans more than McCain could.

    “He’s on television all the time, talking, talking,” Trump said of McCain. “Nothing gets done. You look at what’s happening to our veterans — they’re being decimated, OK. So, I will do far more for veterans than anybody. I’ll be able to build them new hospitals, I’ll be able to build them care centers. I’ll be able to help the veterans.”

    .................................................. ...

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      General George S Patton talks about excellent job done by The Third Army during WWII

      Published on May 5, 2014 by 'CriticalPast'

      General George S Patton talks about excellent job done by The Third Army during World War II in Boston, Massachusetts.

      General George S Patton gives a brief speech in Boston, Massachusetts. He speaks of The Third Army heroes and talks about the excellent job the men of the Medical Corps did during World War II.

      Quote from General Patton that appears between the 1:95 and 2:18 minute marks in the video - "You don't have to be a corpse to be a hero"
      Last edited by bsteadman; 07-19-2015, 10:26 PM.
      B. Steadman

