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Showdown in Arizona #2 on March 31st! -- WTPOTUS

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  • Showdown in Arizona #2 on March 31st! -- WTPOTUS

    Showdown in Arizona #2 on March 31st!

    We The People Of The United States

    ©Bridgette @WTPOTUS 2012


    "The mighty sheriff of Maricopa County, AZ, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, scheduled another Cold Case Posse update and release of evidence at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 31, 2012!

    It should be remembered that it was the Tea Party from Surprise, AZ that originally brought the charges to Sheriff Arpaio to investigate. They were concerned about Obama being illegally placed on the AZ presidential ballot when no one had investigated his eligibility to be on the ballot in 2008. They wanted someone to get to the bottom of all the strange inconsistencies in Obama’s history, and determine if he should or could be on the ballot in AZ.

    With threats upon threats from Obama’s thug the Attorney General, Eric the Bolder, the Sheriff maintains his position. His posse isn’t giving up their investigation.

    Since Holder was appointed as the AG with Obama, there have been multiple ongoing investigations and threats thrown at the Sheriff for just doing his job. On December 15, 2011, the Department of Justice, released a report filled with numerous allegations against the Sheriff’s Department. These allegations weren’t backed up with proof that their department violated the federal rights of Hispanics caught for numerous crimes, but the Left and national media has continued their unrelenting attacks to smear the sheriff and his department unmercifully. Retaliation and condemnation for upholding and maintaining law and order?

    The Sheriff countered their report and told them to prove the civil rights violations. Instead, the DOJ had Homeland Security’s (Sister Napolitano) group responsible for immigration, ICE, remove the Sheriff’s and his deputies ability to file charges against illegals caught in their county. The DHS was to send 50 agents to Arizona to take over for the sheriff’s department. Anyone know if there are 50 agents on site in Maricopa County or was it another bluff or form of intimidation? Protecting the civil rights of whom, DOJ? Illegals?

    A full onslaught of retaliation has come the sheriff’s way through the left wing media, Soros sponsored organizations, and groups like La Raza (a racist group who wants to take back the states lost to Mexico). Many of these groups have tried to get rid of Joe for the last 20+ years. The citizens of Maricopa keep voting him back in…so I guess the citizens like the lawful work he is doing as do most law abiding citizens in the U.S.

    Sheriff Joe wants the evidence to prove what they are saying in the Report and won’t take hearsay or the words of a few incarcerated illegals as proof. One or two witness accounts does not mean or match the meaning of the word “systemic!” Cries of racism against the Sheriff’s department from the most racist administration in history? Who are they kidding, really? Sheriff Joe is a major thorn in the sides of the Usurper and lying Eric the Bolder. I’d put the Sheriff’s record side by side with the corrupt U.S. Attorney Generals or that of the criminal White Luo any day of the week! No match."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    >>> attention <<< read online at several sites , including world net daily : " hollywood movie producer bettina viviano told jerome corsi
    in interview , that bill clinton said obama is not eligible for the office of president ".

