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NJ Judge Admits Obama Hasn't Provided Proof of Birthplace: Rules Obama Born in Hawaii

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  • NJ Judge Admits Obama Hasn't Provided Proof of Birthplace: Rules Obama Born in Hawaii

    NJ Judge Admits Obama Hasn't Provided Proof of Birthplace: Rules Obama Born in Hawaii

    Birther Report



    Excerpts from Conservative News and Views:

    In the latest Obama eligibility challenge, an Administrative Law Judge cleared Obama for the New Jersey Democratic Primary today. The two men who objected to Obama’s nominating petition vowed to appeal.....

    .....But the judge shocked Apuzzo when, at about 7:30 p.m.(4/10/12), he called Apuzzo to tell him that the Obama campaign had prevailed on both points. Said the judge, according to Apuzzo:

    "As far as I’m concerned, Obama was born in Hawaii." (bold emphasis added. My comment: WTF!)

    Apuzzo could not explain how Judge Masin could rule that way, after observing in open court that neither Obama nor his surrogates had shown that he was born in Hawaii. (bold emphasis added)

    Within two hours, according to a deadline that Masin gave him, Apuzzo filed an exception to Masin’s ruling. Apuzzo took exception to the following:

    1. Judge Masin ruled that Obama was born in Hawaii with no evidence on record, after acknowledging that fact during the hearing.
    2. Judge Masin ruled that Obama need not comply with statute to show that he is eligible, solely because he need not “consent” to someone circulating a nominating petition for him.
    3. The judge suggested that Obama might have to show eligibility later. He laid no basis for such a ruling.
    4. The judge misread the precedents and gave short shrift to the historical evidence that the Framers of the Constitution defined “natural-born citizen” as one born in-country to two citizen parents. Apuzzo devoted half of his 30-page exception to this analysis alone.

    Apuzzo plans to appeal directly to the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court. He earlier told CNAV that he was ready to argue before the State and even United States Supreme Courts if he had to."


    View the complete original article at:


    View the complete Birther Report presentation, including video, at:

    Last edited by bsteadman; 04-11-2012, 02:08 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Hamilton Township, NJ - Yesterday in a New Jersey administrative court the typical scenario played out just as it has in many other court rooms over the past year.

    TPATH -
    Dwight Kehoe

    "Evidence was produced which proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Obama's birth certificate was forged. On the only positive note, there is now an official record of a presiding judge, Judge Masin and Obama's attorney agreeing that the birth certificate posted by the White House is not reliable.

    We can all thank Mario Apuzzo for dragging that out of them. That was masterful. Well done!

    A clear and convincing picture of the term "Natural Born Citizen" was elicited and all agreed Obama's father was not ever an American citizen.

    During the hearing, on several occasions one could see and without looking too closely, several reassuring facial communications from the judge to Obama's clearly unsettled attorney (her foot was in a perpetual nervous twitch under the table). In other words, the message appeared to be, 'Don't worry missy, we are doing what we need to do to make this appear legal and impartial, but I got your back'. This is, of course my opinion, but having spent years negotiating business deals, with all brands of characters, I have become very comfortable reading facial language.

    Last night, just 5 hours after the hearing ended, Mario Apuzzo received a call from Judge Masin informing him that, he, the judge believes Obama was born in Hawaii and therefore his ruling will be in favor of Obama.

    His Hawaiian birth 'belief' was based on no evidence, even after having agreed in court that Obama has not produced a legal birth certificate. He also ignored all precedence regarding Article II of the US Constitution, NJ Title 19 as well as the NJ Constitution.

    So the beat goes on, the rule of law is dead.

    Obama has had the main stream media under his control from the very beginning and it is clear that he now has the entire judicial system, both Federal and State.

    The last step to dominating a country with tyranny is control of key portions of the military. How much of that has he accomplished, quietly behind the scenes? When we find out, it just might be too late."

    April 11, 2012 TPATH
    Last edited by bsteadman; 04-11-2012, 03:17 PM.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Update on the Purpura and Moran New Jersey Obama Ballot Access Objection

      Natural Born Citizen -- A Place to ask Questions and get the Right Answers

      Mario Apuzzo, Esq.


      "Today, April 10, 2012, Nicholas E. Purpura and Theodore T. Moran had their Barack Obama primary ballot objection heard by Deputy Director and Administrative Law Judge, Jeff S. Masin, at the Office of Administrative Law, 9 Quakerbridge Plaza, Mercerville (Hamilton Twp.), New Jersey 08619. The case started about 9:30 a.m. and lasted to about 1:00 p.m. I represented the Objectors. Mr. Obama was represented by Alexandra Hill of the firm of Genova, Burn & Giantomasi of Newark, New Jersey.

      We argued that Mr. Obama has not met his burden of showing that he is eligible to be on the New Jersey primary ballot by showing that he is a “natural born Citizen.” We argued that he has not presented any evidence to the New Jersey Secretary of State showing who he is and that he was born in the United States. We also argued that as a matter of law, Obama is not a “natural born Citizen” because he was born to a father who was not a U.S. citizen.

      Obama’s attorney made a motion to dismiss the Objection in its entirety. She argued that it was not relevant to being placed on the ballot whether Mr. Obama is a “natural born Citizen,” where he was born, and whether he was born to U.S. citizen parents. She said that no law in New Jersey obligated him to produce any such evidence in order to get on the primary ballot. We argued that Mr. Obama under the Constitution has to be a “natural born Citizen.” We argued that under New Jersey law (the state constitution, statutes, and case law), Mr. Obama must show that he is qualified for the office he wishes to occupy and that includes showing that he is a “natural born Citizen,” which includes presenting evidence of who he is, where he was born, and that he was born to two U.S. citizen parents. We argued that the Secretary of State has a constitutional obligation not to place any ineligible candidates on the election ballot. Judge Masin denied Obama’s motion to dismiss and the case proceeded to trial."

      .................................................. .

      View the complete article at:
      B. Steadman

