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Re: Purpura & Moran V Obama Complaint- NJ -- Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012

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  • Re: Purpura & Moran V Obama Complaint- NJ -- Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012

    Re: Purpura & Moran V Obama Complaint- NJ

    Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012




    NJ Dept of State

    Attn: Lt. Gov./SOS Kim Guadagno

    Dear Lt. Gov./SOS Guadagno:

    As you surely know, ALJ Masin ruled against plaintiffs in Purpura & Moran v Obama this week. It now goes to you, then probably to appeal, no matter who prevails.

    The issues at stake are weighty. A complaint stated that the sitting, putative President is ineligible for office and should be stricken from the NJ ballot. It provided substantiation, legal justification and evidence to support it. If true, it means we have had an illegal President for almost four years and could get eight years of illegal actions, many of which are not in the best interests of the American people.

    Many people believe that the ruling for the defendant was exceedingly unjust and that you should strike the man who calls himself Barack Hussein Obama from the NJ ballot.

    Specifically, he has not proven his eligibility for office. He skated through the first term on goodwill, benefit of the doubt and a web site digital image (not admissible in any court) that was a purported ”Certification of Live Birth.” This is not an actual birth certificate, appears to be a forgery and in any case could have been obtained with only an affidavit, even if it was valid. It has been proven that thousands of foreign born people received Hawaiian COLB’s. No Hospital in Hawaii will admit to birthing him.

    The alleged long form birth certificate digital image, finally placed on the White House web site on 4-27-11, has been proven to be a forgery, not only by the Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff’s office, in a rigorous six month investigation, but by numerous private sources. To refuse to accept it as evidence and focus only on whether it should be required, then to simultaneously maintain that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen, without a shred of valid evidence, is a travesty of justice of the first magnitude, as well as an absurdity.

    The arguments that he does not need to, that he is not required to present a valid birth certificate, that centuries of settled law defining natural born citizenship are invalid and that irrelevant non-precedents should be substituted instead, are simply ridiculous. I submit this summary on natural born citizenship:, although I’m sure Mr. Apuzzo provided reams of information already.

    The unproven birth circumstances, admitted foreign father, mother’s age and contiguous U.S. residence, possible British and Indonesian citizenship, uncertainty of legal name, forged birth certificate, Selective Service registration, multiple stolen Social Security numbers, E-Verify fail, (at least one) fraudulent tax return, testimony on foreign student status, many missing records, over a hundred attempts to block release of any records that could clear up the mystery– demand an investigation and at least an injunction against any electoral activity until the mysteries are unraveled. These sound like things that would occur in third world countries and maybe even Chicago, but not here.

    If I’m not mistaken, both federal and state law require a presidential candidate to be a natural born citizen. Whether or not statutes specify the detailed requirements and means of proof seems less important, legally and logically, than a good faith attempt to ascertain eligibility. We pay our officials to do the right thing.The specter of our elected and appointed officials claiming otherwise is an outrage, just begging for rectification. We petition and pray that you will save the country the agony of further injustices in this and act righteously like the patriots did who founded our nation over two centuries ago, in much greater turmoil than we are now experiencing, at least so far. This must not stand. Obama is ineligible and must be removed from the NJ ballot. Failure to do so is not only an injustice, but it is very badly undermining faith in the rule of law."


    George Miller

    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman