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"President Obama Will Have to Deal With Birthers" --

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  • "President Obama Will Have to Deal With Birthers" --

    President Obama will have to deal with birthers

    Greg Rogers

    Reposted 1/2/2012 by Sam Sewell on The Steady Drip


    "President Obama has had a dream run to the White House and hopes to remain there for another term. His chances of re election are diminished by his failure to convince Americans that he is entitled to the office he holds.

    There are many Americans who are concerned that Barack Obama is not who and what he says he is. Veterans like Robert Laity are frustrated that media outlets have not pressured President Obama into releasing a real authenticated copy of his birth certificate. There appears little doubt that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii but many people believe that he is not entitled to hold his office as he is ineligible due to the status of his parents. The President's birth certificate would clear up that issue.

    Robert Laity is a vocal American who is complaining to have Barack Obama charged with electoral fraud. The issue seems to be that the election authorities do not require a candidate to prove that he or she is entitled to seek an office. It is up to someone to prove that a candidate is not entitled to stand.

    Barack Obama managed to get elected even though he apparently holds a social security number that is allegedly fraudulent and was not required to produce a certified birth certificate. With his term in office almost over, and while Republican's work out who to nominate for the next election, the focus will be on Barack Obama to be more transparent. People want to see proof of his identity.

    Robert Laity and the other "Birther" people who believe that Barack Obama is a criminal are relying on Joe Arpaio, the Arizona sheriff to investigate President Obama and report early this year. The birthers interpret every adverse comment about Joe Arpaio as evidence of a conspiracy to discredit him so that he cannot report on Obama with any credibility. reported in December 2011 that the "The Department of Homeland Security is cutting ties with Joe Arpaio, the Arizona sheriff accused of a wide range of civil right violations, effectively stripping him of the ability to enforce immigration laws."

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman