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6 in 10 Arizona voters want to know candidates' eligibility -- WND, Bob Unruh

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  • 6 in 10 Arizona voters want to know candidates' eligibility -- WND, Bob Unruh

    6 in 10 want to know candidates' eligibility

    Interest in issue surges as Obama campaigns


    Bob Unruh


    "Just as Barack Obama’s 2012 presidential campaign is hitting high gear, a new poll indicates that a strong majority of Arizona voters wants affidavits from presidential candidates affirming their eligibility.

    The results are from the Arizona State University-based Morrison Institute for Public Policy.

    The poll shows 6 of 10 Arizona voters “would support a ‘birther bill’ requiring presidential candidates to sign an affidavit affirming they are American citizens.”

    “Support is highest among registered Republicans (76 percent support the idea) while 58 percent of Democrats oppose it,” said the Morrison Institute’s report of the poll results, which were released Thursday.

    “The legislature passed the bill in 2011, but the governor vetoed it, saying that such a law ‘could lead to arbitrary or politically motivated decisions,” the report said.

    The poll asked: “How about the so-called ‘birther bill’ that would require presidential candidates to come to sign an affidavit that they are an American citizen?”

    Thirty-four percent strongly supported the idea; another 26 percent supported it and 11 percent opposed it. Twenty-five percent strongly opposed it and 4 percent were uncertain.

    The results reveal growing concern over Obama’s eligibility, even though the poll question reflected the mainstream media’s general misunderstanding that the issue is Obama’s “citizenship.” The concern actually is over Obama’s status as a “natural born citizen,” a special requirement in the U.S. Constitution for a president.

    The Founders probably would have considered a “natural born citizen” to be the offspring of two citizens. Some of Obama’s critics say by that standard, he would be ineligible, because his father was a Kenyan citizen.

    The Morrison Institute’s survey also found 84 percent of Arizona voters oppose allowing religious organizations that provide health insurance for workers to ask female employees if they use birth control. In addition, support is split on a requirement that abortion businesses post notices that it is against the law to coerce a woman into having an abortion. Also, three-quarters of Arizona voters oppose allowing people to carry firearms in public places such as libraries, and 40 percent support the idea of an “armed volunteer citizen militia to patrol the Arizona-Mexico border.”

    The poll was assembled through 488 live telephone interviews April 10-14 and 16-20. The results were weighted to be 36 percent Republican, 30 percent Democrat and 34 percent independents. It carries a margin of error of 4.4 percent.

    It comes just as a petition to Congress to investigate Obama’s constitutional eligibility is surging forward.

    Spurred by the findings of Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who has found probable cause that the birth certificate posted one year ago on the White House website is a fraud, the petition represents a last-ditch effort to clear the air on Obama’s legitimacy before the November election. Nearly 60,000 people have sign on so far.

    “Can you believe Obama is still playing games with his identity six months before the next presidential election?” asks Joseph Farah, chief executive officer and editor of WND. “As I have long predicted, no court in America is going to take this hot potato of a case. It is the sworn duty of Congress to uphold the Constitution and hold the executive branch accountable to the people. It’s time to turn up the heat on the timid, fearful Republicans and the see-no-evil Democrats.”

    Arpaio himself, whose office has conducted the only law enforcement investigation of Obama’s birth documents and eligibility, has asked for assistance from Congress. But his requests have fallen on deaf ears.

    Arpaio recently told WABC radio host and WND senior staff reporter Aaron Klein that the media and politicians alike are afraid to touch the issue.

    “Why didn’t someone investigate this? I mean, where is everybody?” Arpaio asked Klein. “How come the federal agencies aren’t investigating? We’re dealing with federal issues here. So everybody’s hiding, and they’re still hiding.”


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    B. Steadman