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Lord Monckton Speaks Wednesday in California on Obama's Felony Document Fraud

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  • Lord Monckton Speaks Wednesday in California on Obama's Felony Document Fraud

    Lord Monckton Speaks Wednesday in California on Obama's Felony Document Fraud

    Birther Report



    Lord Monckton Speaks Wednesday in SoCal on Obama Eligibility, Global Warming
    George Miller via Email

    "IN MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 6:30 P.M. — Lord Christopher Monckton and author, Tom Ballantyne, have teamed up to speak at this special event. They will be discussing the eligibility issue, specific concerns about the man who calls himself "Barack Hussein Obama," the Sheriff Arpaio investigation, Agenda 21, global warming and the threat of one-world government. A Q & A session will follow.

    Lord Christopher Monckton, best known for debunking the man-made "Global Warming" (AGW) myth of pseudo-science and fighting world government schemes, is at it again! He has become very aware of the fraud perpetrated by "Obama" and his many enablers, including LameStream Media and has spoken out strongly about The One's ineligibility for office. Monckton is an amazing, accomplished man, way more than just a title.

    Tom Ballantyne, author of "Uncommon Sense…Apparently!" and “Oh Really O’Reilly” will discuss the total media cover-up of this historic eligibility issue - especially that of the Establishment "Conservative" Media - as well as that of the Republican "leadership" in Washington, DC, and throughout the nation (especially in AZ, his home state). He will explain both why he believes this has happened, and continues to happen, and exactly what we must do as citizens to combat it. His theme will be "What is truth?"


    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman