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Rush: CNN set up Trump on birther issue -- WND, Joe Kovacs

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  • Rush: CNN set up Trump on birther issue -- WND, Joe Kovacs

    Rush: CNN set up Trump on birther issue

    Limbaugh: 'That's how they utilize the deceit'


    Joe Kovacs


    "Radio giant Rush Limbaugh says CNN “set up” billionaire developer Donald Trump last night, springing the issue of Barack Obama’s eligibility for office during an interview with the cable network’s Wolf Blitzer.

    “It was clearly a set-up,” Limbaugh said. “Here’s Donald Trump being set up by Blitzer and CNN, for the express purpose of what? Using that interview last night to do nothing but besmirch Romney with Trump and this birther business. That becomes the media narrative all day, so you can talk about Romney and his associations.”

    Limbaugh then listed some of today’s media headlines to prove his point.

    “Here’s the AP headline: ‘Romney clinches nomination, but Trump overshadows.’ New York Times: ‘Romney finds himself upstaged by Trump on big day.’ Reuters: ‘Trump birther remarks overshadow Romney appearance.’ Los Angeles Times: ‘Donald Trump steals limelight from Romney campaign.’ Detroit Free Press: ‘Donald Trump overshadows Romney nomination.’ Yahoo News: ‘In Vegas. Romney claims the nomination, the focus is on Trump.’ And there’s another AP story: ‘Trump overshadows Romney with birther talk.’”

    Limbaugh explained when large media companies seek to have a guest on, they first conduct a pre-interview with the person, a question-and-answer session that is never aired.

    “They don’t tell Trump they’re gonna to talk about the birther issue,” he said.

    “When they talked, nobody at CNN told Trump they were going to bring this up. They probably told Trump that they were going to talk about OPEC and China and jobs and the economy and the advice that he’s giving. That’s probably what they told him. That’s how this stuff works. That’s how they reel guests in. That’s how they utilize the deceit, and they get you on there, and look, the whole interview is about the birther thing. …

    “When they get Trump on, that is the dominant topic, and they get Trump on record and then that serves as the media narrative all day today. And the media narrative all day today is: Trump steps on Romney’s big day, Trump takes glory away from Romney.”

    Limbaugh also noted the Donald has plenty of experience with media, so “Trump ought to know, and I’m sure he had to figure this is gonna come up, so he takes the risk going on the show. … I’m sure he expected it, not surprised by it, but they didn’t tell him. My only point: they didn’t tell him that’s what they were going to discuss.”


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    B. Steadman