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The wall of secrecy is beginning to crumble -- Sonoran News, TPATH

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  • The wall of secrecy is beginning to crumble -- Sonoran News, TPATH

    The wall of secrecy is beginning to crumble

    Sonoran News


    "TPATH - Before you scroll down and read the astounding and ultimately devastating poll results, here is a bit of background on its structure and why it was taken. It will be quite clear too, why the mainstream media will not take a poll like this, as it will show they are losing the battle of secrecy they have been waging against our people.

    A few weeks ago TPATH posted an open letter to Glenn Beck in response to his openly condescending remarks concerning the on going birth and forgery issues of one, Barack Hussein Obama. Typical of the mainstream news media, Beck belittled, in pure Alinsky fashion, the patriots of this country who care about the complete Constitution, and not just selective, convenient sections.

    Our point in writing the letter was to ask Glenn to post questions to his viewers and readers of the Blaze, which would let him see the large percentage of his "people" which have *not been convinced that the Usurper, is in fact, not an usurper.

    As one who has spent almost four years investigating this fraud they call the President, even I was flabbergasted at the outcome of this poll.

    Of course this was not scientific. Far from it. For certain most of the participants are regular readers of TPATH or were sent the link by them.

    This group is comprised of hardworking Americans who consider themselves, for the most part, Conservatives, Constitutionalists, Capitalists, Republicans and even a few Libertarians. Very few Marxists and forgers visit TPATH.

    This was an on line poll with no restrictions except the participant had to supply an email address so as to prevent multiple votes by one person.

    Two votes per email were permitted to allow for those who only have one email. Votes which did not have a viable email address were rejected and not counted.

    The poll was up for one week: May 19 ~ May 27, 2012


    1- Are you convinced that Obama was born in Hawaii? Total votes -2536
    NO: 2,510 98.9%
    YES: 26 1.0%

    2- Do you think Hawaii should release the microfilm record of Obama's birth?
    Total votes 2539
    NO: 37 1.49%
    YES: 2,502 98.50%

    3- Do you think such microfilm exists? Total votes 2534
    NO: 1,781 70.2%
    NOT SURE: 190 7.5%
    YES: 563 22.2%

    4- Do you think Obama is hiding facts concerning his birth? Total votes 2535
    NO: 25 1.01%
    YES: 2,510 98.9%

    5- Do you think Obama is Constitutionally eligible to be president? Total votes 2535
    NO: 2,497 98.4%
    YES: 38 1.5%

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman