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CNN Commits Fraud in Obama 'Birthgate' -- Birther Report

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  • CNN Commits Fraud in Obama 'Birthgate' -- Birther Report


    Birther Report



    Eligibility Cover-Up Widens
    Exclusive Investigative Report by Pixel Patriot
    June 2nd, 2012

    "The “BIRTHGATE” scandal is still unfolding after CNN committed an act of “Fraud” upon the American people on May 30th 2012 by writing, producing, editing and broadcasting a report with a microfiche copy of a long form birth certificate knowing it is not Barack Obama’s yet claiming it was.

    Deceit or “Fraud” occurs when a person makes a factual misrepresentation, knowing that it is false (or having no belief in its truth and being reckless as to whether it is true) and intending it to be relied on by the recipient, and the recipient acts to his or her detriment in reliance on it.

    I will refer to this microfiche at the 1 minute 22 second point in the video used by CNN as (Exhibit A) for it is evidence of “Fraud” by claiming it belongs to the putative President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama when they knew that it did not. CNN had also previously included (Exhibit A) in another report where they referred to it as “another man’s” and the use of (Exhibit A) in their report on the 30th was wholly designed to mislead the public into believing Obama is entitled to citizenship status needed for eligibility to the Office of the President of the United States.

    CNN claims (Exhibit A), which is a (negative) copy of microfiche of a CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH was released by Obama 4 years ago, although he did not. What Obama purportedly released in 2008 was an online digital image of a COLB or Certification of Live Birth. They are NOT the same. He has never released microfiche. After the original digital image of the COLB became a problem because it was missing the raised seal then later photographs of other short-form documents (COLB) were released having their own problems.

    My analysis will prove with certainty that the copy of the microfiche CNN is showing in this report is NOT Obama's IF his parents are Barack Hussein Obama and Stanley Ann Dunham.

    Here's how:

    Based on the proportional scale of the middle names on the microfiche in this report I was able to determine that they do not match the middle names in the online copy of Obama’s purported long form birth certificate.

    The second middle name which would correspond to ANN is actually longer than the first middle name which would be Hussein but definitely considerably longer than Ann and therefore impossible considering Hussein has more than twice as many characters as Ann.

    This in no way gives legitimacy to what Obama placed on the White House website on April 27th, 2011 however it should be pointed out that (Exhibit A) has a signature in the lower left and the online copy of Obama’s purported long form birth certificate does not signifying that CNN’s claims are additionally at odds to those of Barack Obama for this reason.

    One does not have to look very far to know that a news organization can perpetrate “Fraud” on a level such that its impact on the American public is enormously widespread and devastating to both the organization committing an act of “Fraud” which is a crime and the public having been harmed. The Jayson Blair scandal at the New York Times and the Killian Document Controversy where the resignation of news broadcasting veteran anchor Dan Rather and the firing of his producer Mary Mapes at CBS are two of the more serious that comes to mind."


    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    Last edited by bsteadman; 06-03-2012, 03:05 PM.
    B. Steadman