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Judy v. Obama Discretionary Application for Review Georgia Supreme Court

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  • Judy v. Obama Discretionary Application for Review Georgia Supreme Court

    Judy v. Obama Discretionary Application for Review Georgia Supreme Court

    Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012



    "Some interesting developments occurring here. Find the 2 attachments also linked here at SCRIBD:

    Judy v. Obama Discretionary Application for Review in the Georgia Supreme Court


    An extension has been offered here that has amounted to an “Amended Notice of Appeal”


    For the sake of interest I have had a few people ask me already “So, What does this mean? I mean, How is it different from what has been going on?”

    That is a good question as with all of the cases not a single one has had any reasonable action and this has led even Obama’s camp to gloat that there’s been hundreds of challenges filed and they all are garbage. In fact that has become a mantra of Obama supporters and Obama himself in some of the latest campaign commercials that have showed John McCain taking the higher ground then say Mitt Romney because John McCain chastised his supporters harder and Obama would like Mitt Romney to tell Donald Trump to quit blowing his nose on Obama.

    Here’s their Campaign Commercial:

    For the sake of calling Obama a “good person” McCain is really saying here and now the guy who has blatantly lied, misled, deceived, and fraudulently represented himself to the American People with his long form birth certificate, his draft registration, his social security card, hid every document he could from the general public like his college records his traveling identity visa’s, and any authentically genuine form of identification used daily by the general public, is a “good person”. Further, Obama want’s Romney to take up the mantra and drink the Jim Jones farce.

    Well, in a nut shell here’s what is different.

    #1 – Obama has won most of the cases because of what’s called “standing”. Most of the people bringing the challenges to Obama through the Court were not running for President and didn’t have campaigns hurt by Obama’s malfeasance against the Constitution’s demands for a natural born citizen. Well I’m running as a Democratic Party candidate, I have standing and have been hurt by Obama’s willingness to cheat the rules 50 states have agreed is the Supreme Law of the Land.

    #2- Its just not be waving my magic wand saying Obama’s not a natural born citizen because he’s got foreign allegiances to his father, but I have submitted in my complaint 2200 hours of investigations by a cold case posse designated by Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Now whatever you think of Sheriff Joe, the main idea in this was to clear Obama. That didn’t happen and in fact the opposite happened.

    These two working facets are penetrating the Obama Forgery Gate, and unless Supreme Court Justices want to throw the book out of what they are suppose to be about, sooner or later the Obama house of cards is going to come down in a hurry. You know the most dis-concerting thing about this is its a guy like me, whose really poor, actually fighting for the Constitution while Mitt Romney’s got millions and hasn’t bothered to look under the carpet, but continues to sweep Obama’s fraud under the carpet. That’s not the kind of President we need right now. "


    View the complete post at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 06-03-2012, 04:42 PM.
    B. Steadman