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National Ignorance & A Constitutional Travesty -- h2ooflife

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  • National Ignorance & A Constitutional Travesty -- h2ooflife

    National Ignorance & A Constitutional Travesty



    Thanks to Give Us Liberty ( for the reference to the article.

    (questions never answered, nor ever even asked)

    "Life holds many mysteries, and questions for which we have no answers, such as; “Where do UFOs come from?” and “Is Bigfoot real?” (note: one was seen and reported just a block from where I live, so I think I know the answer to that one). But more than the known unknowns, there is also the unknown unknowns. There are facts & truths that we don’t even know exist.

    But there is still one more area of ignorance, and that is unknown knowns. That refers to things we think we know but in fact do not. The histories of science and medicine are histories of beliefs that were eventually proven wrong by an outsider who didn’t toe the consensus line. As in assumptions about the size and shape of the earth, or the center of the solar system, everyone thought they knew the truth but everyone was wrong.

    The most wrong belief ever was the assumption that all the visible stars in the heavens constituted the entire universe, i.e., the Milky Way universe. Even Einstein held that consensus, common sense view, which prevailed until one night when Hubble did some calculations about the red-shift in the light from some distant stars and found that they were traveling at speeds so immense that they could not possibly be a part of our known universe. In the space of a few hours his discovery expanded the universe by a factor of a few hundred billion, -realizing that the Milky Way was a singular island in space (dubbed a “Galaxy”), -just one universe of many, -billions in fact.

    That demonstrates that it’s possible to not know something that we think we know, -to in fact be clueless about something of which we think we are knowledgeable. One subject about which Americans are unaware that they are clueless resulted in the election of a President who actually was not qualified to serve as President, and yet few were aware of that fact, (nor are today) nor aware that what they thought they knew to be a fact was in fact a falsehood. The subject of that falsehood is the subject of citizenship.

    Are you an American citizen? Are you sure? Why are you sure? Do you know why you’re a citizen? You think you know but you don’t. What you think is the answer is actually the wrong answer. But you are not alone. Every person you see interviewing and being interviewed on TV, -every journalist, reporter, anchor, politician and government official suffers from the same erroneous assumption. That ignorant assumption is almost universal in the ignorant America of today. That assumption is the one which makes you think that being born in America makes you an American. But if you are a normal American then that assumption is false.

    It’s not universally false because it is true for 4% or less of the population. They are legally Americans because they were born in America to immigrants. If your parents were not immigrants then it is not true for you because your citizenship is not dependent upon the declaration of the 14th Amendment. Your form of citizenship pre-dates the 14th Amendment by about….100,000 years or so.

    That means it pre-dates the United States and the Constitution. It pre-dates the British Empire and the Roman Empire, and the Chinese Empire and the Egyptian Empire. It pre-dates all empires and all nations that ever existed. It’s not dependent upon law because it pre-dates law. It pre-dates everything except nature because it is an element of the nature of the natural world.

    I speak of the principle of natural membership. Societies of all forms throughout the history of life on Earth have been a product of that principle. It’s effect is universal, whether or not a society is in the animal kingdom or the human kingdom. All societies result from it because all societies produce off-spring, and those off-spring are the same as their parents.

    Just as elephant herds produce new elephants, wolf packs produce new wolves, herbivore herds produce new herbivores, flocks of birds produce new birds, and humans produce new humans, so also tribal members produce new tribal members, clan members produce new clan members, and citizens produce new citizen members, -members of their national society and government. Whatever the parents are, -so are their children. Law doesn’t make it so, and law is not needed to make it so because it is so even in the absence of law. It is so by nature, by the nature of the personality and physiology of social beings who exist as groups because they prefer it for the up-bringing of the young and the benefits of companionship.

    Where a new member leaves the womb is irrelevant to its membership in its parent’s group. Geography is meaningless, and borders are non-existent except in the minds of humans. Invisible, intangible man-made borders have no impact on biology, nor membership in the group into which one is born as a new member. But the immense power and influence of the entity known as “THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT” alters the way the mind works when it comes to recognizing that which is natural. That interference happens in the mind by superimposing ideas about how the power of government works in place of how nature works.

    In the United States there is no law that establishes the principle of natural citizenship because it is a self-evident fact by nature, so no law was ever needed. But a legal citizenship law was needed because many foreigners had children in a country not their own, lacking any natural right of membership, and thereby creating an unnatural situation requiring a law (the Civil Rights Act of 1866 & the 14th Amendment of 1868) exclusively for those children who were not born in that country whose membership they inherited from their father, but in the country to which he had emigrated but did not yet belong.

    The situation of the election to the presidency of a man fathered by a non-immigrant foreign visitor precipitates a need to understand the truth about the nature of citizenship and the requirement of the U.S. Constitution that the President be a particular type of citizen and no other. To get to the truth, questions must be asked and answers found. The answers are known by very few, and the questions are known by even fewer. They include the following:

    By what legal authority is Barry Obama-Dunham-Soetoro-Obama a U.S. Citizen?

    1. Is his citizenship due to having been native-born in the U.S.?
    2. Is he a born citizen, and if so, which type and by what law?
    3. Is he a native of the United States, and what makes him one or makes him not one?
    4. Is he a legal, automatically-naturalized, constitutional citizen?
    5. Is he a legal, automatically-naturalized, statutory citizen, and if so, by what statute?
    6. Is he a natural citizen, and if not, why not? Or if so, why so?
    7. Is he a natural born citizen or is he a naturalized born citizen?
    8. Is the nature of his citizenship determined by the citizenship of his father?
    9. Does having a foreign father result in a different type of citizenship than having an American father?
    10. When he was born, were his parents subject to the jurisdiction of the federal government?

    Answers to these questions has been exhaustively provided in dozens of explanatory essays, graphics, and treatises by this author and are available online as http://obama– "


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    The biggest and most important unknown unknowns are :
    1 . How did badrak ' insane ' obummer fool the media , evade vetting , cheat on elections , and slither into our oval office and Whitehouse ???
    2 . Why was he not checked out ( vetted ) before the 2008 elections ???
    3 . Why does the Congress ( our elected employees ) not honor their oath to uphold , protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic ? The illegal , ineligible , incompetent , inept ( amateur ) " occupier " of our oval office and Whitehouse is certainly an enemy of AMERICA ~ both foreign and domestic .
    4 . Why do our employees in Congress not indict the usurper , socialist , liar . fraud for 50 + high crimes and misdemeanors , and kick him out
    in shame and disgrace , never to receive the lifetime pension afforded to our legitimate presidents ??????????????????????

