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Lord Monckton Discusses Obama's Forged Birth Certificate: Why It's An Important Issue

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  • Lord Monckton Discusses Obama's Forged Birth Certificate: Why It's An Important Issue

    Lord Monckton Discusses Obama's Forged Birth Certificate and Why It Is An Important Issue

    Birther Report



    Article II Super PAC Email

    June 4, 2012

    Press Inquiries:
    George Miller 805.807-5119
    Helen Tansey 804.840.1449

    Lord Monckton Does “Not Want to See America Fail”

    "Moorpark, California – Lord Christopher Monckton, Policy Director for the United Kingdom’s Independent Party and former advisor to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, captured the attention of a crowd of concerned voters Wednesday evening by first unveiling his own Hawaii Long-Form Birth Certificate and then asking “whether the President of the United States is the President of the United States.”

    Monckton went onto explain his reasons for “sticking his long aristocratic nose” into the question of the President’s eligibility by stating “we have a long, close relationship, your country and mine, and I do not want to see America fail.”

    Through a visual presentation, Monckton went onto discuss the long-form Birth Certificate released by the Obama campaign on April 27, 2011 and detailed the current status of the debate swirling around Global Warming aka Climate Change.

    After releasing his own Hawaiian Long-Form Birth Certificate, Monckton explained how he engaged his own document specialist to review the President’s Long-Form Birth Certificate currently posted on the White House server, providing step-by-step details of his findings. He reviewed the over 12 anomalies nearly 50 other forensic document specialists have documented, while also questioning the plethora of oddities that led up to the release of the birth certificate itself. He did not delve into other legal aspects of constitutional natural born Citizenship presidential requirements, such as the Minor v Happersett Supreme Court ruling and other precedent setting cases.

    Monckton made a second presentation, an excellent summary of the case against man-made “Global Warming.” Author Tom Ballantyne explored media and politicians’ cover-up of the AKA Obama election fraud.

    Organizers for the event, Gary Wilmott, Article II Super PAC, Capt. Pamela Barnett, Obama Release Your Records 2012, and George Miller, Ventura County Tea Party, were pleased with the event. Wilmott said “given the fact we had less than two days to organize it, I was thrilled with the results.” He went onto say “let there be no question, the voters are tuned into this issue and they want answers.”

    Miller agreed and went on to state “that the major political parties, officials and news media have all badly failed us, so citizens need to take charge NOW.”

    Barnett summed up the evening by adding “it is essential the leadership in all branches of government entrusted by the people to protect and defend the United States Constitution honor their oaths and take corrective action immediately; just as I have.”

    Sponsors of the event, Article II Super PAC, Obama Ballot Challenge 2012 and the Ventura County Tea Party, captured Monckton’s entire address on video. To view Monckton’s Birth Certificate presentation please visit, or to view the entirety of the presentations, including birth certificate, “Global Warming” and author Tom Ballantyne, please visit and

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman