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Obama eligibility: NJ judges suspend American common law

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  • Obama eligibility: NJ judges suspend American common law

    Obama eligibility: NJ judges suspend American common law

    Conservative News and Views

    Nicholas E. Purpura

    Thanks to Give Us Liberty ( for the reference to the article.


    "New Jersey’s courts made themselves a laughingstock by their handling of our Obama eligibility case. The people of New Jersey should hang a plaque at the door to each courthouse:

    Welcome to Disneyland! See with your own eyes living cartoon characters masquerading as judges!

    Resident cartoon character at large

    Administrative Law Judge Jeff Masin, alias “Dumbo,” heard arguments regarding Barack Hussein Obama’s right to place himself on ballots in New Jersey. This judge epitomizes the lack of understanding of American Common law on the bench. (Or did he take orders from the political bosses?)

    Masin, quite simply, pre-judged the case. Sour grapes? I think not. Why did Masin hold up the Georgia ALJ’s decision on the Obama eligibility issue and wave it about? Why did he, smiling, boast that he was a personal friend of Judge Malihi?

    I know Judge Malihi; he’s a friend of mine.

    Now why did he have the decision by Malihi (the Muslim with a persona history) on his desk, and why did he throw it in our face? How does a decision in other State (and a defective one, at that!) affect the election laws in the sovereign State of New Jersey?

    Does America know that even the Board of Elections’ Director, Mr. Robert Giles, before witnesses and the press said that the State had no proof of eligibility for Mr. Obama on file in New Jersey, now nor in 2008? Or that Alexandra Hill, who argued Obama’s case before Masin, said in effect,

    No evidence of his eligibility is needed, even “Mickey Mouse” can be on the Presidential ballot in New Jersey.

    If you are a judge, do you not think to yourself, Doesn’t the law require a candidate, and those submitting signatures to nominate him, to sign off on his eligibility to the office he seeks? Oh, but that would adhere to the election statutes."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman