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Mississippi Democrat Party Gets Obama Birth Verification -- WTPOTUS, Miri

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  • Mississippi Democrat Party Gets Obama Birth Verification -- WTPOTUS, Miri

    Mississippi Democrat Party Gets Obama Birth Verification (Open Thread)

    We The People Of The United States



    "OKAY! SO WHAT’S UP WITH THIS? It was submitted ( in the Mississippi ballot challenge. To head off Sheriff Joe’s next presser? You be the judge. Have at it. Pick it apart, folks. I haven’t had time to read the entire motion yet."

    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    The following is a 6/7/2012 comment by 'Miri' regarding the 'Obama Birth Verification' document submitted by the Hawaii DOH to the attorneys for the Mississippi Democratic Party:

    "I haven’t had time yet to read the entire motion to see how this was submitted, to whom, how it was requested. As in, did they use the actual FORM to request this? Is it an OFFICIAL “letter of verification in lieu of a certified copy?” Onaka SIGNED it, or so it seems. It doesn’t look like a stamp to me. Or is it? Another unidentified person initialing the signature, or does that say ATO, which means he certified his own signature? It’s the same form number, which I couldn’t find anywhere in their policies. It uses the same language that the information “matches” but no wording about the LFCOLB being a TRUE and ACCURATE representation of that “vital record”. I think this is still parsed. It could “verify”, once again, that what’s CLAIMED on that original “Certificate of Live Birth” matches what he put out there, BUT that “original” Certificate of Live Birth could represent:

    1. an adoption
    2. a registration that initiated an as-yet-not-accepted Certificate of Live Birth (maybe, depending upon how global his use of the word “information” is–the data items to be verified were not specified, so far as I know. I was in a hurry to get the post up, so didn’t read everything yet. I will update as I have time.)
    3. the original COLB could have been completed in 2007 or 2008 based upon an affidavit by the now-conveniently-deceased Madelyn.

    So the question remaind: IF this is legitimate and IF he has always had a legitimate, original, UNAMENDED Certificate of Live Birth dating to 1961, then WHY did he spend millions and refuse to submit it? Why did he send LTC Lakin to PRISON rather than present it? WHY DOES HE STILL REFUSE TO SUBMIT THE ACTUAL DOCUMENT INSTEAD OF A LETTER FROM THE HDOH?

    Salon reports that this puts the legitimacy of the birth certificate beyond doubt. Why, no it doesn’t because the HDOH can present this affirmation that they have a “matching” record NOW but it still doesn’t mean that that image on the WH blog is NOT FORGED. We know it was forged. Oddly, Salon admits:

    “But the verification obtained by the Mississippi Democrats goes further. Bennett asked to verify only a few pieces of information — he forgot to ask about Obama’s birth date, ironically — and it lacks a seal from the state and a signature from the state registrar.”

    They report that the ORIGINAL of this letter was submitted to the court. Nice to have all this inside information, huh?

    This is another interesting admission:
    “In over 130 legal challenges against Obama’s birth certificate, this is the first time a document of this nature has been submitted to a court, a lawyer who tracks birther litigation told Salon. She asked us not to publish her name because she’s been harassed by birthers in the past.”

    So what took him 4 plus years and why NOW? What is the “embarrassing information” that had to be cauterized and hidden and why did LTC LAKIN GO TO PRISON when Barry could have released this all along? Do they NOT CARE at all about the mendacity of a person who would do this? Since they BELIEVE he really has a birth certificate as he claims. What did his REAL “initial” pre-adoption birth certificate say? That’s what the court needs to know. Did they now open it up for Orly to present evidence that shows the likelihood of an adoption and how the only way to determine natural born citizenship is to know the entire set of facts?

    The following is a comment by 'auntiemadder' to the original post:

    This could be:

    • a flat-out lie.
    • verification that Onaka printed up a copy of the pdf, put it in the file folder, and then said, “Yep. What you sent with your request and what’s on the web site matches what I see here.”
    • verification that the pdf file at is an abstract (“…matches the information contained…” rather than “…is an electronic copy of…”).
    • indication that the forged hard copy Certification OLB promised has been delivered.

    Whatever the case, HI DOH has grown bullet-proof and they know it.
    Last edited by bsteadman; 06-07-2012, 06:00 PM.
    B. Steadman

