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Hawaii goes radioactive on Obama's eligibility -- WND, Bob Unruh

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  • Hawaii goes radioactive on Obama's eligibility -- WND, Bob Unruh

    Hawaii goes radioactive on Obama's eligibility

    Reporter smacked down for asking about issue governor raised


    Bob Unruh


    "Even though Barack Obama posted on the White House website an image of a Hawaiian birth certificate, and many, many reporters around the nation have declared the dispute “over” and “closed,” asking Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie’s office about Obama’s eligibility, which Abercrombie himself presented as a major issue to resolve, still is radioactive.

    The question WND sought to ask today was what happened in the governor’s self-promoted research into the issue of Obama’s birth documentation, resulting in his statement that there was a “written record” but not much other detail.

    After all, just a few weeks later when Obama dispatched a private lawyer to Hawaii to fetch his documentation, the state apparently had only to run off the copies.

    In Abercrombie’s office today, spokeswoman Donalyn Delacruz expressed that she was happy to help WND with questions – until she found out the subject.

    When asked in an email identified as being from WND if there ever was an explanation for Abercrombie’s not finding the documentation in light of its easy access to state officials a short time later, she refused to answer.

    “What news organization are you with?” she demanded. “We get frequent birther questions and this would fall in that category.”

    Subsequently, she refused to respond to email questions about the issue that the governor raised.

    When WND called, a receptionist in the office responded to the same inquiry with “That’s been done” – apparently meaning president had released the birth certification image. But she indicated she would not respond to further questions, promising to take a message and have someone call back.

    No one did.

    WND had questions about the anomalous results: The governor’s stated inability to find the documentation, and the state agency’s later simple recovery and alleged duplication of the same record."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman