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5 Bullet Points of Cody Robert Judy's Supreme Court Case in Georgia

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  • 5 Bullet Points of Cody Robert Judy's Supreme Court Case in Georgia


    Cody Robert Judy



    " ... every single State Ballot Challenge has been dismissed thus far, is whether the Judicial Branch is recognizing that ‘standing’, or if they are deferring to a ‘standing’ that is articulated by the Federal Court of Appeals definition we have been given by opinion in the 9th Circuit that only Presidential Candidates could really be harmed and show ‘standing’ from another candidate who was receiving contributions and running as an ineligible candidate?

    This is one of the reasons that my case is in fact a little different from a Candidate’s perspective who has standing. Again very briefly standing includes 3 elements we all need to remember very clearly so we can support that which the Courts say has credibility.

    There are three standing requirements:

    1. Injury: The plaintiff must have suffered or imminently will suffer injury—an invasion of a legally protected interest that is concrete and particularized. The injury must be actual or imminent, distinct and palpable, not abstract. This injury could be economic as well as non-economic.
    2. Causation: There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct complained of, so that the injury is fairly traceable to the challenged action of the defendant and not the result of the independent action of some third party who is not before the court.
    3. Redressability: It must be likely, as opposed to merely speculative, that a favorable court decision will redress the injury.[

    Now briefly to address the question from George and Pamela to me on some of the major bullets of my action as a Candidate for President in the Democratic Party attempting to disqualify Obama as unqualified as a natural born citizen and thus ineligible:

    1. Whether the major parties had a responsibility towards assuring 'eligible candidates' for President based on the contingency they were using "State Funds" for the Primaries?
    2. The Party's claim freedom from States on Candidate selection with association clauses and freedom of speech, however, what about when that conflicts with Constitutional requirements for Office?
    3. Same argument applies for the responsibility of Secretaries of State's in vetting candidates, and receiving names from the Parties, as they swear oaths to the Constitution are they responsible for vetting based on taxes allocated to State Primaries?
    4. Whether a Obama is eligible as a Natural Born Citizen as a Candidate for the 2012 election, with probably cause set forth of fraud and forgery in a Sheriff's investigation submitted from a Candidate with Standing who is a 'natural born citizen' and is legally qualified?
    5. Whether the FEC (Federal Election Commission) should knowing a candidate is not qualified, allow them to run for office and collect a single dollar, which by all intensive purpose is a Federal Agency keep the books for fraudulent actions as candidates not eligible by the demands of the Constitution are actively representing themselves as eligible for office to your grandmother and everyone else who trust if a candidates running he’s at least qualified?

    This amounts to sponsored fraud upon those who unknowingly contribute to an ineligible candidate who in no way is going to be able to be voted for legally. How does everyone feel about their vote being unwittingly cast for a candidate who is constitutionally unqualified?

    Well, everyone who voted in 2008 ought to have an answer because in my book neither Obama nor McCain was qualified and I said as much in my law suits.

    McCain isn’t running this time around, so by default, Obama has inherited the continued constitutional crisis of his lie that he was indeed a natural born citizen as he attested to in his Candidate Declaration.

    With the dismissal in the Georgia Supreme Court given without opinion we are still left guessing if the Georgia Supreme Court really beliefs its a Federal issue and is delegating that issue to a U.S. Supreme Court Writ that I will of course be fast tracking to them."

    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman