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Standing Up to Big Government: Ordinary American demands answers about Obama's birth

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  • Standing Up to Big Government: Ordinary American demands answers about Obama's birth

    Standing Up to Big Government: “an ordinary American citizen” demands answers about Obama’s birth

    Coach is Right

    George Spelvin, Staff Writer


    "Will Florida’s Robert L. Quinn be America’s answer to the anonymous Tank Man of China who stood up in front of a column of tanks ordered by the Communist regime to clear Tiananmen Square of peaceful citizen protestors?

    His frail body holding back the menacing war machines became an iconic photo of the Twentieth Century signifying an ordinary citizen standing up to unrelenting governmental power which just had declared martial law to quell its own Chinese citizens! Quinn, a septuagenarian, who identifies himself as an ordinary American citizen, sent a deeply moving, poignant letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller in defense of his country and in protest to what Barack Obama and his administration are doing. Mueller is asked to investigate Obama’s birth documents.

    “This oath requires you to defend the Constitution, not a person sitting as President and Commander in Chief of our Military forces and especially one whose only evidence of Constitutional eligibility to hold this office is a birth certificate and selective service registration form that have been verified by Law Enforcement to be forgeries.”

    Although Quinn wrote to Mueller during the first week of May, he has not received any reply. Quinn takes this as a sign Mueller is, “confirming he is a willing protector of the forgers and complicit in the act of treason.”

    The earnest and deeply worried senior American quotes the legal definition of treason as defined in Title 20, US Code 2381, titled Treason. “Whoever, owning allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the US or elsewhere is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the US,” Quinn cites.

    He specifically calls on Mueller to investigate this matter as the duly sworn chief investigator for America, but to forestall his demand from being conveniently misconstrued he added, “Let me make this perfectly clear. My questions to you are in no way a threat to you or anyone else.”

    “You are utilizing your agency as a protective shield for these criminals,” Quinn writes in a letter similar to those he also holds responsible, namely John Boehner, Speaker of the House; Eric Cantor, House Majority leader, and Whip Kevin McCarthy. Mueller is admonished that the “time is now here for someone in the Obama Administration to come forward” and tell Barack Obama “it was time for him to vacate the presidency,” just as Richard Nixon’s close advisors pointed out to him evidence of illegal activity that made Nixon’s governance impossible.

    Quinn tells Mueller “this critical task now falls directly upon your shoulders as Director of the revered FBI.”


    View the complete article at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 07-02-2012, 09:58 PM.
    B. Steadman