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Ballot Challenge Illegally Dismissed in Arizona; Another Georgia Case moves to SCOTUS

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  • Ballot Challenge Illegally Dismissed in Arizona; Another Georgia Case moves to SCOTUS

    Ballot Challenge Illegally Dismissed in Arizona; Another Georgia Case moves on to SCOTUS

    Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012



    "Here we go again. Another Mickey Mouse lawless judicial action, this time in Arizona (again). Of course, Van Irion was sloppy in not naming AZ SOS Ken Bennett specifically. But it was pretty obvious who he was referring to, even to a brain-dead liberal judge. I think that offense is sufficient to warrant discipline or even impeachment of Bolton, don’t you? By the way, have you noticed that Van Irion seems to usually avoid referring to his clients by name?

    The Georgia case plaintiffs were David Welden, Carl Swensson and Kevin Powell.

    American Courts Are Lawless

    If you believe that America is still a nation of laws, we have bad news for you. Courts now twist legal precedent to rationalize the political outcome they prefer. Judges decide who will win a lawsuit based solely upon who the parties to the lawsuit are, which party has more political power, and which party reflects the Judges’ political philosophy. Laws mean nothing to these people. Precedent means nothing. Words have no meaning. Black is white if that is required to achieve the desired outcome. If you think I’m exaggerating in any way, you have not been paying attention.

    But you don’t have to take my word for it. This week’s ruling from Arizona District Court Judge Susan Bolton dismissing Liberty Legal Foundation’s Arizona Certification Class Action lawsuit proves the point, yet again. The ruling proves that Judges will go to any lengths to avoid dealing with the Natural Born Citizen issue. In this case, the court claims that they don’t have jurisdiction over the defendants because, according to the court, the defendants haven’t done anything that would make them reasonably anticipate being hailed into court in Arizona. That’s right, according to the Arizona District Court, sending a signed certification that Barack Obama is constitutionally eligible to hold the office of President to the Arizona Secretary of State and asking that Obama be placed on Arizona ballots pursuant to Arizona law is not sufficient to make the DNC reasonably expect that they might be subject to Arizona law. Wow, please re-read that last sentence. It is stunning, but it’s true"


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    B. Steadman