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Truth is Irrelevant to Media -- Liberty Legal Foundation, Attorney Van Irion

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  • Truth is Irrelevant to Media -- Liberty Legal Foundation, Attorney Van Irion

    Truth is Irrelevant to Media

    Liberty Legal Foundation

    Van Irion, Esq.


    "Outrage is like an onion, it has many layers. I was outraged by the information disclosed in Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s press conference earlier this week. I was outraged at the blatant forgery of the White House. I was outraged at how many government officials are involved in covering up the forgery. But what really angered me was the main-stream-media’s reaction at the press conference to the information disclosed.

    Sheriff Arpaio disclosed at least four pieces of factual information that had never been released before. Each one of which should have raised the interest of even the most uninterested person. Sheriff Arpaio’s investigators located and interviewed a 95 year old clerk from the Hawaii Department of Health. Her testimony alone confirms that the White House-published birth certificate is a forgery. Sheriff Arpaio’s team also confirmed the meaning of certain codes found on the White House document. Those codes also strongly support that the document is a forgery.

    Yet the first question from the main-stream-media at the press conference was, “How do you expect any of us to take this seriously considering who you and your investigators are?” This question was followed with accusations that were immediately and verifiably shown to be untrue. So, the media simply didn’t care about the facts revealed. They didn’t ask how to verify the facts. They didn’t ask for contact information for this new witness. They didn’t ask for a citation to law for the newly revealed meanings of the codes on the birth certificate. They were more concerned with attacking the messenger than they were about investigating or verifying.

    I understand reluctance to believe something that seems hard to believe. I also understand taking the source of information into consideration when considering new assertions of fact. Part of my job as an attorney is to consider the source, consider authenticity of evidence, and be skeptical of sources. However, another part of my job is to verify facts when verification is possible. Anyone that investigates anything as part of their job will recognize that when a new fact has been asserted any investigator will try to verify or debunk the fact. Regardless of whether the fact helps you or hurts you, the first step is to validate the fact. If a new witness is the source, you want to talk with that witness yourself, as soon as possible. If a new document or citation to law is the new fact, you want to validate the authenticity of the document or law. Even if you hate the new facts, the normal course of action for any investigator is to check the validity of the facts.

    So, when I listened to Sheriff Arpaio’s press conference, I expected the first question to be “How can we contact the 95 year old former HDH clerk?” That question was never asked. One member of the media finally asked a related question, but no one asked how to contact the new witness. The second question I expected was “Please give us citations to the code you discovered.” No one asked about this at all. Instead the majority of main-stream-media questions amounted to accusations directed toward the background and character of Sheriff Arpaio’s investigators. Other questions were naked attacks on Sheriff Arpaio for performing the investigation at all. Clearly the main-stream-media no longer investigates anything. They simply report the world as they would like it to be. The media’s lack of response to Arpaio’s new information tells me that the media either already knew about this information and were actively covering it up, or they simply don’t care what the truth is because they report their stories without any concern for truth.

    As I said, outrage has layers. I thought I was outraged at the blatant forgery, but that was before the media started asking their questions. My outrage increased at least an order of magnitude when I heard the media actively ignoring the new information in favor of their emotional attack on the messenger. Then I was outraged at my own outrage. I’ve known for years that the main-stream-media is corrupt and blatantly biased. I often think that I’m pretty jaded about this. But the level of open hostility toward a message they oppose, coupled with total lack of interest in tracking down the information presented, STILL surprised this jaded attorney. I’m still outraged that my level of outrage is insufficient to prepare me for the depths to which our so-called news agencies have fallen.


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    B. Steadman