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Did Corsi Lie To Zullo? A REAL 1961 Vital Statistics Instruction Manual - ladysforest

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  • Did Corsi Lie To Zullo? A REAL 1961 Vital Statistics Instruction Manual - ladysforest

    Did Corsi Lie To Zullo? A REAL 1961 Vital Statistics Instruction Manual

    My Very Own Point of View



    National Center for Health Statistics

    "It’s never a good feeling to get bad news. In this case the bad news is that the “shocking” information which Mike Zullo, Cold Case Posse leader, released on July 17th is debunked. Yes, I said debunked. By the actual 1961 Vital Statistics Instruction Manual.

    Recall that Mr. Zullo stated that Dr. Jerome Corsi had spent a day in the Hawaiian State Archives, and as a result of the research done while there (after Mr. Zullo had already returned to the mainland) Dr. Corsi had found proof that the code numbers penciled in on obamas officially released “long form birth certificate” had been decoded. That in FACT the number “9″ being noted in both the fathers race field (box 9), and in the fathers business or industry (box 12b) indicated that no information had been supplied for those fields. That in FACT the code “9″ meant “not stated”, and those boxes should have been blank/empty, yet were filled with information anyway. It seems that the information given by Zullo at the press release is wrong.

    In the interest of getting plain facts, I followed up on a lead from The Daily Pen on where they were able to acquire a 1961 Vital Stats Instruction Manual, excerpted images of said manual being in a post that they published on Feb. 29th of this year.

    I was able to obtain, by email, a link to a scanned copy of the CODING AND PUNCHING GEOGRAPHIC AND PERSONAL PARTICULARS FOR BIRTHS OCCURRING IN 1961. It is a 18 page manual.

    It was sent to me by the main office of the CDC – National Center for Health Statistics in Hyattsvile, MD.

    It does NOT support the claim that the number “9″ indicated “not stated”. That being said, recall that this is the FEDERAL manual. I do not know if HI had their own separate coding, for their own state specific data collecting. I will now attempt to hunt down the answer to that question. The process of “punching” the coded information seems to have been a tedious and lengthy procedure, and I do not know if HI would have done this for state level stats using DIFFERENT codes than the Federal codes outlined in this manual.

    The link to the manual is below in pink. Further below are screenshots of three full size pages pages from the manual and the cover. I provide those in case anyone cannot or prefers not to clink on the link to the full 18 page manual.

    Coding and Punching Geographic and Personal Particulars for Births Occurring in 1961

    The only thing that will pull Corsi’s stones off the fire on this is IF Hawaii did indeed use their own codes differing from the Federal codes shown in that manual."


    View the complete post at:

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    In the humble opinion of MAKAHAYAN / AMERICAN ADVOCATE ~ Jerome Corsi is not the sharpest of investigators . He has obstinately
    ignored the only document which provides accurate and complete information regarding the birth of obummer . Corsi even made the
    mistake of announcing to the world that he was going to Kenya to investigate the birth of obummer at the Coast Province General
    Hospital , and was turned away by Kenyan officials ~ not allowed to enter the country . That is just as stupid as a football quarterback
    allowing the opposing team to read his playbook , and telling them which offensive play is next . As a result of his rejection by Kenya ,
    Corsi has constantly denied the authenticity of the birth certificate obtained by LUCAS DANIEL SMITH .


    • #3
      Corsi’s Code Conundrum -- My Very Own Point of View, ladysforest

      Corsi’s Code Conundrum

      My Very Own Point of View



      "The courage to be honest always has a price tag. For research bloggers like myself, those of us unwilling to manipulate material to cause it to support our preferred platform, things can be dull. We don’t get the readership for example, as those that make sensational discoveries out of the sows ears of nothingness.

      However, we do collect some “friendly” fire wounds from those who profess to desire the “truth and nothing but”, those that march confidently alongside us while we uncover facts and find obscure records, who praise us (me) as long as the material I find agrees 100% with the narrative that they are invested in.

      But just let me uncover something that does not do that, and it’s a bit of a different story. Being a student of human nature, I expect this to happen.

      This is one of those times Kittens. Oh, it’s not too bad. It can’t be, simply by virtue of the disappointed ones having no grounds to discredit my material, or the way in which it was presented. I am careful that way. I am honest that way.

      Yet my honesty can backfire a little, as those who have much invested in protecting their ongoing narratives are quick to invent concerns out of a wealth of non-issues.

      What the hell am I talking about? You are welcome to wonder. The most recent post that I did, Did Corsi Lie To Zullo?, featured a 1961 Vital Statistics Instruction Manual link and several screenshots from said manual.

      It has been somewhat misrepresented by both sides of the “birther” issue. Big surprise.. The most recent example of this surfaced today : What-Does-the-Number-9-Mean?."


      View the complete post at:

      B. Steadman

