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Obama's Ineligibility, Elective Despotism and the Vote of Slaves, The Post & Email

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  • Obama's Ineligibility, Elective Despotism and the Vote of Slaves, The Post & Email

    Obama’s Ineligibility, Elective Despotism and the Vote of Slaves


    The Post & Email

    Lawrence Sellin, ©2012


    "If re-elected, Barack Obama will kill the United States quickly. Any one of the leading Republican candidates will simply do it more slowly.

    The erosion of the Constitution and our Constitutional rights has been happening quietly for a long time. With the election of Obama in 2008, corrupt politicians, their operatives and the mainstream media just decided not to bother hiding that fact anymore.

    Corrupt American politicians, the operational arm of the multinational, wealthy and networked elite, preserve the illusion of democracy for the now disenfranchised voters, while journalists, falsely proclaiming themselves as tireless defenders of liberty, then distort the news in an attempt to manipulate public opinion........

    Our politicians see every election as a license to steal from ordinary, hard-working Americans, permission to flout the law and avoid all accountability for destroying the country for the benefit of a few.

    We no longer have representatives of the people, but elected despots who consider elections as mere formalities and citizens as their slaves.

    By all measures, both the Republican and Democratic Parties are asking voters again to endorse the corrupt status quo.

    In 2008, both parties permitted the election of Obama, a Constitutionally illegal President, who has forged his birth documents and his Selective Service registration. He has committed identity theft by using a Social Security Number not issued to him.

    Questions about Obama ineligibility and his crimes have been intentionally suppressed by the political establishment and the media because the truth about Obama would so outrage the American people that the entire corrupt political system and its servants in the mainstream media would collapse.

    Perhaps it is time to let it do so, by declaring Obama unconstitutional and boycotting Republican candidates, until such time when they openly address the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people and the greatest Constitutional crisis since the Civil War...............

    When will Congress launch an investigation into the criminal and usurper in the Oval Office? When will senior members of the military or the federal law enforcement agencies stand by their oaths to support and defend the Constitution?

    The answer is “never.” There has been a colossal failure of leadership. We have a government littered with careerists, sycophants, cowards, liars and the greedy................

    The 2012 will be a turning point in American history because our Constitution is in the balance. Let the politicians again ignore the Constitution and it is the end of our republic.

    Patriots must speak out, oppose the corrupt political establishment and remove Obama from the state ballots.

    There will be no second chance to take our country back."

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman