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Navy SEAL's Birther Admission Leads To Spike In Fundraising: 800 New Contributors

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  • Navy SEAL's Birther Admission Leads To Spike In Fundraising: 800 New Contributors

    Navy SEAL's Birther Admission Leads To Spike In Fundraising: 800 New Contributors

    Birther Report



    Navy SEAL's Birther Admission Leads To Spike In Fundraising
    By Elizabeth Flock @ U.S.News & World

    "The downside of being a birther: Your colleagues may think you're a nut. The upside: It brings in the dough.

    In the three days since former Navy SEAL Larry Bailey told Foreign Policy Magazine he was a birther, his anti-Obama group Special Operations Speaks has seen a "big" spike in fundraising, according to the former Navy captain.

    [See: Photos of Navy SEALs]

    "I'm taking some hits from our people for identifying myself as a birther," says Bailey, who reiterated his belief to Whispers that President Obama was not born in the United States. "But it seems to have struck a chord for people who want to help."

    Bailey says 800 new contributors signed on in the days since his birther admission.

    The money, he says, will be used to finance SOS's efforts to portray Obama as anti-military, including allegations that the Obama administration has allowed military leaks, and criticism the president has unfairly taken credit for the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

    A similar anti-Obama SEAL group called OPSEC released a documentary last week with the same message. But Bailey says the two groups are not working together."


    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman