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Corruption in the State of Hawaii Knows No Limits -- Attorney Orly Taitz

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  • Corruption in the State of Hawaii Knows No Limits -- Attorney Orly Taitz

    Corruption in the state of HI does not know limits

    Defend Our Freedoms Foundation

    Orly Taitz, esq.


    "I just arrived in HI and checked my e-mails. Deputy attorney general Nagamine represents a pinnacle of corruption of a governmental official. Not only she refuses to comply with the subpoena, but she claims that my demand for the original birth certificate is frivolous and that the judge should charge me the cost of all the hearings and deem me a vexatious litigant, not allowed to bring any more actions in HI without leave of court.

    She completely disregarded the fact, that judge Malihi ordered Obama to stand trial on January 26 and prove his eligibility, that eligibility is the essence of the case and the birth certificate is the most important evidence . The level of corruption in the state of HI is unprecedented in human history. Don’t forget that the husband of this attorney is a family attorney for Obama’s family and he handled Obama’s sister’s divorce from her first husband................

    This woman belongs in prison for what she is doing to me, to my clients and to the whole country. She belongs in prison together with Obama and Fuddy and a number of others. This regime will not last forever. These people will be prosecuted. It remains to be seen on which side of history the judge will be: will the judge aid and abet this forgery and obstruct justice or will she uphold the law and the constitution and will fight crime in the White House and in the office of Attorney General of Hawaii."

    View Orly's complete post at:
    B. Steadman