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Louisville Doctor Sues To Have Barack Obama Removed From Kentucky Ballot

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  • Louisville Doctor Sues To Have Barack Obama Removed From Kentucky Ballot

    Louisville Doctor Sues To Have Barack Obama Removed From Kentucky Ballot

    Birther Report



    Doctor sues to have President Barack Obama removed from Kentucky ballot
    By Joseph Gerth @ The Courier-Journal

    "A Louisville anesthesiologist has asked a Frankfort court to bar President Barack Obama from the November ballot.

    Dr. Todd House — who is running for president as a write-in candidate with his wife, Suzanne Dudgeon House as his vice presidential candidate — filed the lawsuit Aug. 10 claiming that Obama is not a “natural born” citizen, which is required of presidential candidates by the U.S. Constitution.

    Obama’s campaign spokeswoman for Kentucky didn’t respond to an email seeking comment.

    Claims like House’s have been put forward by Obama opponents — often called “birthers” by Obama supporters — since he first ran for president in 2008. They claim Obama was born in the African nation of Kenya.

    About 20 similar cases have been filed across the country. All of the cases that have come to a conclusion have been rejected by judges — both in federal and state courts — and most have failed on technical reasons. Courts have rejected several of the cases, ruling that those who filed the suits didn’t have “standing” to bring them.

    In an interview Wednesday, Todd House, 52, said that he filed to run for president in part to give him standing to file the suit but also because he opposes both Republicans and Democrats and wanted to help get the Libertarian message out.

    And he said he wanted to bring suit because the courts are “shirking the issue” by not addressing the merits of similar cases that have come before them. “Really, the judiciary and the Supreme Court needs to hash this out and decide it once and for all for the greater good of the country,” House said.

    In seeking a temporary restraining order to keep Obama off the Kentucky ballot, House claims not only that the president was born in Kenya but that he is not eligible to be president because his father was not a U.S. citizen.
    - (bold emphasis added)

    He also claims Obama never re-established U.S. citizenship after moving to Indonesia as a child.


    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman