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The Blaze: Obama Media Foam At The Mouth Over Mitt Romney's Birth Certificate Joke

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  • The Blaze: Obama Media Foam At The Mouth Over Mitt Romney's Birth Certificate Joke

    The Blaze: Obama Media Foam At The Mouth Over Mitt Romney's Birth Certificate Joke

    Birther Report



    Media foam at the mouth over Mitt‘s ’birth certificate’ joke
    By Meredith Jessup @ The Blaze

    "Mitt Romney cracked a joke at a campaign stop this afternoon in Michigan which has people on both sides of the aisle in a frenzy. Some say it was a poke at birthers, yet birthers are taking it to mean that Romney’s coming on board with them. Some say it was a poke at liberals who whisper about Romney’s racist undertones. In response, liberals are… well, continuing to call Romney a racist.

    But I disagree with both of these assumptions. I think the joke was aimed squarely at the media.

    Let’s face it — the “birther” movement has had no bigger fan than the mainstream media who likes to paint all Republicans as hateful racists who cling to God, guns and conspiracy theories to protect themselves from an apocalyptic invasion of minorities and gays, or something. So while the reporters at the Romney rally today gasped at Romney’s supposedly overt racism, the audience got the joke, responding to Romney’s dry humor with applause and laughter.

    It’s a perfect example of a “secondary reaction” joke, Ace of Spades HQ writes. “The joke itself is lame. The humor comes from imagining the reaction of the thin-skinned Obama and his hyperprotective partisans in the press.”

    It’s true — the reaction of the media to Romney’s joke has been hysterical:


    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman