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The Obamanation Strikes Back -- Liberty Legal Foundation, Attorney Van Irion

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  • The Obamanation Strikes Back -- Liberty Legal Foundation, Attorney Van Irion

    The Obamanation Strikes Back

    Liberty Legal Foundation

    Van Irion, Esq.


    "When you read what happened last Friday afternoon, I hope you will be as furious as we are because you will understand the very dangerous direction in which the courts are now headed.

    When we challenged Obama’s eligibility because he is not a natural born citizen, we filed cases against the DNC in Arizona Federal court and Tennessee State Court. The cases were similar, but did have some important differences. In Tennessee, we were specifically relying on state fraud statutes, because we knew the DNC intended to commit fraud again by certifying a non-eligible candidate for the TN general ballot.

    Well, because states have lost their sovereignty, the DNC attorneys were able to remove the case from TN state court to Federal Court. Then the DNC attorneys filed a motion for sanctions against our lead attorney, Van Irion, in Federal court, a court we never filed the case in! That motion for sanctions was replete with blatant and provable lies, which Van pointed out in his response. Ultimately, Judge Anderson of the Western District of TN Federal court dismissed the case and since we have an active Federal case in Arizona we decided not to appeal the decision. We thought the TN case was over. Boy were we wrong.

    Friday afternoon, Judge Anderson not only did not address the outright lies of the DNC attorneys, he piled on his own lies in an order to personally sanction Van Irion. His order states that our lawsuit was legally frivolous and that Van was either incompetent or “vexatious” in filing the lawsuit.

    Van properly filed a state claim in state court to address this crime that has been perpetrated on all of us by the DNC. The defendants moved the case to Federal Court. Judge Anderson refused to let Van amend or supplement his complaint then sanctioned him because he didn’t amend his complaint! Judge Anderson stated Van didn’t prove certain facts, but he didn’t let the case even get to discovery so that those facts could be proven! I personally believe the Bush appointed Judge Anderson wants Obama to know he’s on “his side” if Obama should win the November election.

    Van does not deserve this, our case does not deserve this. We are appealing this outrageous decision

    So here’s the nutshell of our situation:

    • We have someone sitting the in White House without any verifiable credentials
    • Moreover, by Obama’s own admission, he is not qualified for the Office because his father was never a citizen (Minor v. Happersett 1875 – child of two citizen parents)
    • No court to date has followed the binding precedent from the Supreme Court’s Minor v. Happersett case, by finding Obama constitutionally ineligible to serve as President
    • Attorneys that file to have this Supreme Court precedent, and the Constitution, upheld are demonized in the media and persecuted by the Courts
    • The Congress sits idly by and does nothing
    • Mainline candidates for President treat it like a joke


    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman