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Want to Stop Obama? The Boycott the Republican Candidates -- Lawrence Sellin, P&E

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  • Want to Stop Obama? The Boycott the Republican Candidates -- Lawrence Sellin, P&E

    Want to Stop Obama? Then Boycott Republican Candidates


    The Post & Email

    Lawrence Sellin, ©2012


    "In 2008 the Republican Party leadership joined the Democrats to violate the Constitution and allow an ineligible candidate to run for President.

    Barack Hussein Obama is not a natural born citizen, that is, a US born citizen of parents who were citizens at the time of his birth. His father was never a US citizen and Obama has never been eligible for the Presidency according to Article II, Section I, Clause 5 of the Constitution and the binding Supreme Court precedent of Minor vs. Happersett (1874).

    Although Obama supporters, the mainstream media and the complicit Republicans would like Americans to think so, there is no ambiguity.

    If you are confused by the deliberate campaign of disinformation about Obama’s eligibility being perpetrated by Obamites, the media and members of Congress, then take the common sense test.

    Is it an accident that every President since the Revolutionary era has been a natural born citizen (US born of citizen parents at the time of birth) with the exception of Obama and Chester A. Arthur, who also lied about his birth history?

    As part of the disinformation campaign, Obama supporters published a fraudulent Certification of Live Birth in June, 2008 and Obama himself released a forged Certificate of Live Birth on April 27, 2011. These are felonies, as are his forged Selective Service registration and his use of a Social Security Number not issued to him.

    We know that the Democrats and the mainstream media will continue to protect Obama no matter how much damage is done to the United States.

    It is ironic, however, that the Republican leaders, who now so stridently condemn his policies, in fact, facilitated Obama’s 2008 election to the Presidency and are again willing to violate the Constitution and allow him to run in 2012.
    By ignoring Obama’s ineligibility, all the Republican Presidential candidates are stating, a priori, that they will not adhere to the President’s oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.”

    In essence, the Republican Party is asking the American people to vote for them and, by doing so, accept blatant violations of the Constitution and endorse permanent political corruption in Washington, D.C.

    The Congress, federal law enforcement agencies and the judiciary have blocked all avenues for the redress of grievances and for citizens to petition the courts concerning Obama’s ineligibility and criminality.

    The United States is no longer a nation of laws, but one now at the mercy of greedy and corrupt men.

    The politicians are playing the American people for fools, hiding the Big Lie while engaging in the Big Stall, hoping that the greatest fraud in American history will be overtaken by events and Obama’s crimes and their own criminal complicity will be gradually forgotten.

    There is only one option remaining to restore the Constitution and uphold the rule of law: refuse to vote for any Republican candidate in 2012 until Obama’s ineligibility and his fraudulent behavior are openly discussed and objectively investigated.

    That alone will go a long way toward solving the problem of corruption in Washington, D.C.

    And that is why Republican politicians are so afraid of the issue. They are complicit in the cover-up.

    The Republican Party is playing on our fears of a second Obama Administration to ignore violations of the Constitution and to maintain the corrupt status quo.

    If Republicans only want to save their skins and are not willing to save the Constitution and the country, then patriots must force them to do so by withholding our votes.

    It is the simplest, most effective weapon we have to take back our country. Patriots should unite nationally, draw a line in the sand and tell the Republican Party that the corruption stops today."

    View the complete article at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 01-17-2012, 01:52 PM.
    B. Steadman