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Cover-up Over Obama’s Eligibility – Will CNN be Charged with RICO?

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  • Cover-up Over Obama’s Eligibility – Will CNN be Charged with RICO?

    Cover-up Over Obama’s Eligibility – Will CNN be Charged with RICO?

    We the People of the United States

    ©Bridgette@WTPOTUS 2012


    Major Media Network CNN
    Claimed They Had Obama’s Birth Certificate…

    “CNN’s Gary Tuchman says that the reason he likes his job is that his only mission is to get the facts.” ~ J. Mirkinson, Huff Po

    "Do you recall a CNN live report by Gary Tuchman, on Anderson Cooper’s 360 program, “Busting the Birther Conspiracy Theory” that aired April 25, 2011? Screen shots were taken from a video of a subsequent broadcast airing a year later that show a birth certificate they alluded to being Obama’s. Apparently, the birth certificate did not belong to Obama; it belonged to another person. Three different videos were compared and one is different. The original videos show Tuchman saying they borrowed a man’s birth certificate while he is holding up a black birth certificate. Their version a year later has them pretending that the black birth certificate is Obama’s.

    The timing of CNN’s segments is interesting. In the videos of their broadcast, they show Obama’s computer generated birth certificate the DAY BEFORE THE WHITE HOUSE RELEASED THE FORGED LFCOLB (the green computer-generated abstract with the TXE error).

    This is what Cpt. Pamela Barnett said in her statement at the Obama Ballot Challenge.

    CNN states on their program that a picture of a real Hawaii birth certificate is Obama’s when it belongs to a Japanese-American (possibly Keith Suganuma) child born in 1960 to a father Francis (possibly last name Suganuma), 42, who was a police officer and a mother Mildred, 20. I think the mother’s middle and maiden names may be Kazuo and Yashiki respectively. Please review screen shots from CNN’s video and help fill in the rest of the pieces.

    Notice that CNN would not even post the forged birth certificate at [They used one from Fact Check.]

    The media has been engaging in fraud – possibly criminal fraud, as they are to be named in a RICO complaint soon regarding Obama’s ineligibility and the pursuing cover-up.

    You can’t trust CNN to tell you the truth on Obama’s fraud crimes and real record of destruction to this country.

    This is a transcription of Cpt. Pamela Barnett’s video that appears to be an edited version of those original segments from April 25, 2011, and then rebroadcast in 2012. This segment did not appear in either of the original CNN versions at Huff Po or the one downloaded by BirtherReport. com. It is this version that is under scrutiny. (The other videos are linked below in Additional Reading.).

    At 1:16: As Tuchman was talking to Dr. Fukino (a green, out of focus COLB is shown along with another darker tan colored document where the numbers -6 2007 are visible). Then Tuchman says, “But Dr. Fukino says, even if she hadn’t seen the original certificate here in the health department building, this document, (a BLACK BIRTH CERTIFICATE is shown), the president’s computer generated certificate which was made public 4 years ago, (cuts to a photo of a 7 yr old Obama) had already proven he was born in Hawaii.”

    We have witnessed extreme media bias by CNN in reporting news, and anything about the Obama Eligibility issue, but this crossed the line. It appears that CNN presented false information to the public to protect and/or cover for Obama’s ineligibility to the presidency. That is fraud, pure and simple. This could lead to criminal charges for those involved. There are people who are filing a lawsuit against CNN. In preparation for a lawsuit, they are trying to identify the information that is seen on these screen shots."


    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman