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Kansas Officials Hold Hearing To Consider Obama's Citizen Status & Ballot Access

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  • Kansas Officials Hold Hearing To Consider Obama's Citizen Status & Ballot Access

    Kansas Officials Hold Hearing To Consider Obama's Citizen Status & Ballot Access

    Birther Report


    ObamaRelease YourRecords on 2:13 PM |

    State Officials Considering Obama Citizenship
    Michigan Chronicle via Huffington Post
    (Hat tip Anon)

    Kansas officials plan to hold a hearing Thursday afternoon to weigh whether President Barack Obama is a citizen and should appear on the state's November ballot.

    The Kansas Objections Board will be considering a challenge filed by Joe Montgomery, a Manhattan resident, who Monday objected to Obama being on the ballot. He claims the president is not an American citizen since his father was a citizen of the United Kingdom and Kenya. The all-Republican board -- which consists of Secretary of State Kris Kobach, Lt. Gov. Jeff Colyer and Attorney General Derek Schmidt -- has the power to remove Obama from the ballot in his mother's home state.

    Montgomery, the communications coordinator for the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University, said in his filing that he does not believe Obama meets the criteria for citizenship because of his father's citizenship. He cites several Supreme Court rulings in the filing, which he says validate his argument. In the filing, Montgomery said that the rulings show a "natural born citizen" is a person born of two American citizens.

    Montgomery wrote:

    Barack Obama, according to multiple sources, was not born to a citizen father. His father was never even admitted to this country as a resident alien. Barack Obama Sr. retained his British and Kenyan citizenship and passed them onto his son, which Mr. Obama has publicly claimed on his Fight the Smears website. The Supreme Court specified that natural-born citizenship inherently excludes dual citizenship through a citation in U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark (which was citing U.S. v Rhodes, noting that one could only be a British subject or a natural-born citizen, and not hold both citizenships): All persons born in the allegiance of the King are natural-born subjects, and all persons born in the allegiance of the United States are natural-born citizens.

    Montgomery also claimed that Obama has failed to justify his citizenship and said that the birth certificate provided by the White House is "doctored." Hawaii officials, including former Gov. Linda Lingle (R), have said Obama was born in Honolulu and his birth certificate is real.


    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Updates on the Kansas Elections Board Meeting

    Birther Report

    UPDATE 1 via CDR Kerchner: KS board needs more information regarding Obama ID fraud and constitutional eligibility. Will continue the hearing into the matter on Monday. Read here:

    UPDATE 2: Kansas panel delays ballot decision on Obama - Kobach seeks Democrat's birth records from Hawaii:


    View the complete Birther Report presentation, now including video, at:

    B. Steadman

