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AL Judge Orders Military Vet Harold Sorensen to Pay Court Costs for Ballot Challenge

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  • AL Judge Orders Military Vet Harold Sorensen to Pay Court Costs for Ballot Challenge

    Judge in Obama citizenship lawsuit orders man who sued to pay Democratic Party's lawyer, court fees

    Birther Report


    The post is an excerpt from a 1/17/2012 article by Eric Velasco in The Birmingham News

    "The Jefferson County judge who dismissed a Luverne man's lawsuit to block President Obama from Alabama ballots today also ordered him to pay the state Democratic Party's court costs and lawyer fees within 45 days.

    Lawyers for Mark Kennedy, the state party chairman, sought the sanctions in a motion his lawyers filed last week filed last week in the suit filed by Harold Sorensen. But one of the lawyers said during a hearing today that party officials would not try to collect if Sorensen does not file any similar lawsuits during the 2012 election cycle.

    "The Democratic Party has no desire to chase after a retired military man to collect," Barry Ragsdale, one of Kennedy's lawyers, told Circuit Judge Helen Shores Lee.

    Ragsdale then turned to address Sorensen. "But if I read you're bad-mouthing the court and this decision, you will feel the full wrath of me."

    Sorensen told Lee he cannot afford to pay the court-ordered costs.

    Ragsdale said Sorensen's suit in Jefferson County is the second one he has filed challenging Obama's citizenship and right to serve as president. A Montgomery County judge in 2009 dismissed the other Sorenson suit, which also challenged then-Republican nominee John McCain's citizenship.

    "This needs to stop, Mr. Sorensen, and it needs to stop today," Ragsdale said during the hearing.

    Ragsdale also criticized a request Sorensen filed last week asking Lee to step aside from his case. The motion, which Sorensen filed without counsel, cited "racial bias, lack of judicial discretion as well as lack of knowledge of the U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 1, Clause 5," court records show.

    "This is scandalous," Ragsdale said to Sorensen during today's hearing. "It's uncalled for and you owe this court an apology."

    Sorensen apologized. He told Lee he did not seek a new judge because of the black judge's race."

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:


    View the complete Birmingham News article at:
    B. Steadman