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Atlanta Court date set for Obama eligibility hearing. Public invited! -- Examiner

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  • Atlanta Court date set for Obama eligibility hearing. Public invited! -- Examiner

    Atlanta Court date set for Obama eligibility hearing. Public invited!


    Patricia Walston, Atlanta News You Can Use Examiner

    Thanks to ExposeObama ( for the reference to the article


    "A hearing has been set for January 26, 2012 for the purpose of hearing the complaint of David Weldon, a citizen living in Georgia, where he questioned the Constitutionality of President Obama being allowed on the Georgia presidential ballot.

    The hearing here in Atlanta will be on January 26th at 9 am. Since this is a public hearing, the public can attend. The location is the Justice Center Building, 160 Pryor St, Atlanta, GA – Courtroom G40 on the ground floor.

    On January 3, 2012, Judge Malihi denied the request from Mr. Obama’s attorneys to dismiss the case accusing him of not being qualified to be on the ballot; and therefore, ineligible to run for President this year in Georgia. They contend that since both of his parents were not citizens, that makes him ineligible.

    After filing the complaint, Mr. Weldon, contacted Liberty Legal Foundation and requested their assistance. As of December, 2012, they have been representing him. The Liberty Legal Foundation, headed by Constitutional attorney Van Irion, assisted Weldon and prepared the opposition for the motion to dismiss.

    LLF said that the Georgia court agreed with our reasoning. The court’s short opinion also clearly stated that Georgia law allows Mr. Weldon to challenge candidate Obama’s Constitutional qualifications to hold the office of President.

    According to LLF, “This ruling ensures that the Georgia court will be the first court to address the substantive Constitutional issue of eligibility. All other courts that have heard challenges to Obama’s Constitutional qualifications to hold office have refused to address the substantive issue and have dismissed on procedural grounds.”

    Could this change in the court just be an opportunity to put an end to this once and for all? For sure, if the President does not win the case, it will end up in the Federal Supreme Court in Washington. But if the court finds against this petition, does that mean that the issue will be dead forever?.................................

    The matter before this Court has nothing to do with the birth place of the Defendant, nor does it assert that he is not a citizen of the United States. But addresses the question regarding the qualifications of a person running for President of the United States.

    The question is: Does the Constitution say that in order to be president one must be born of parents who are both US Citizens?

    Is that how the Constitution actually reads? Those bringing this case before the court say, "Yes" based on the court case below.

    Contrary to the Defendant’s assertions, the issue presented by the Plaintiff is grounded on one uncontestable fact, and one clear definition from the U.S. Supreme Court. See Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162, 167 (1875).

    LLF contends, “Obama admitted, on his 2008 campaign website, that he was born a dual citizen, the son of a non-US citizen father who was here in the country legally but temporarily on a student visa, with the stated intention to return to his native Kenya to work in its government. Obama’s dual citizenship was further confirmed by the State Department.”

    Many feel that this will eventually be dismissed by the court here in Atlanta because there is not a clear cut definition about what the forefathers meant about “natural born” citizen.”

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman