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The Week of Justice (?) -- bobsbox

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  • The Week of Justice (?) -- bobsbox

    The week of justice (?)




    "This Thursday, in Atlanta, a hearing is going to be held with regards to Obama/Soetoro’s eligibility, and it will be open to the public. But since he has been subpoenaed to appear, and since he thinks he is a king, it’s likely he will DISHONOR the subpoena. Mario Apuzo explains what will happen if that happens.

    "…The subpoena issued to Obama comes from an administrative court rather than a law court. A court-issued subpoena has the authority of a court order whether it comes from a law court or an administrative one.

    Obama just happens to be the President now and would have to take time out of his official schedule to honor the subpoena. Nevertheless, Obama is subpoened as a private individual, not as the President.

    Does Obama have to honor the subpoena? The only way to get out of honoring a subpoena is to have it quashed on a motion to quash. Obama tried that and it has so far failed. He can attempt to file a motion for reconsideration. But until the court changes its mind, he must honor the subpoena ...................

    ... the current sitting President of the United States not honoring a court-issued and properly served subpoena related to whether the President is constitutionally eligible for that very office could also be deemed a “high Crime or Misdemeanor” under Article II, Section 4, the article dealing with impeachment of the President. Congress could declare such conduct a high crime or misdemeanor and inititate and prosecute impeachment proceedings against Obama and they should."

    But remember, impeachment means all of Obama/Soetoro’s actions are valid. Devvy Kidd made that point in a WND article. (bold emphasis added)

    "Those who demand his impeachment are asking to set one of the worst legal precedents in our history: Any constitutionally ineligible thug can come along and buy his way into the White House. We’ll just impeach him later!

    To impeach would also accomplish this: Every piece of legislation he’s signed into law would remain on the books. Let me quote Dr. [Edwin] Vieira one more time:

    “Perhaps most importantly, Congress can pass no law while an usurper pretends to occupy “the Office of President.” The Constitution provides that “[e]very Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States” (Article I, Section 7, Clause 2). Not to a usurper posturing as “the President of the United States,” but to the true and rightful President. If no such true and rightful President occupies the White House, no “Bill” will or can, “before it become a Law, be presented to [him].” If no “Bill” is so presented, no “Bill” will or can become a “Law.” And any purported “Law” that the usurper “approve[s]” and “sign[s],” or that Congress passes over the usurper’s “Objections,” will be a nullity. Thus, if Obama deceitfully “enters office” as an usurper, Congress will be rendered effectively impotent for as long as it acquiesces in his pretenses as “President.”

    Besides removing a usurper from office, that should be our second-highest consideration and why the outlaw Congress hasn’t moved against him. All 535 of them allowed this to happen, and now it’s gone so far; they don’t have the courage to take on the mess they’ve made.

    The usurper can be indicted once out of office, but how to get him out? Please take the time to read my column on that process. Will he ever be indicted for his crimes? With enough public pressure, it can happen because his handlers would simply throw him under the bus as a liability."

    The solution to all this…ARREST! Reason…it makes all of Obama/Soetoro’s unconstitutional and illegal motions NULL AND VOID. So far Judge Mike Malihi is doing the right thing, but watch out for Thugocracy, Incorporated and the Mockingbird media."

    View the complete article at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 01-23-2012, 12:03 PM.
    B. Steadman