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Dinesh D’Souza: It is “Speculative” to Speak of Obama Being Ineligible

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  • Dinesh D’Souza: It is “Speculative” to Speak of Obama Being Ineligible

    Dinesh D’Souza: It is “Speculative” to Speak of Obama Being Ineligible

    Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012



    Yes, he actually said that, in response to my written question: “Why didn’t you address Obama’s highly questionable eligibility for the presidency, in your excellent movie?” More on this below, in red.

    The movie 2016: Obama’s America, by Dinesh D’Souza, writer, speaker, and sometime college President, has taken the nation by storm and become one of the most successful documentary movies of all time. We were very fortunate to get Dinesh to speak to us only a week before The Election of a Lifetime. Thank the Camarillo Las Posas Republican Women for that! Also thank Camarillo Community Church, the The Scudders, Roadrunner Shuttle.

    For those who haven’t already seen the excellent movie, buy or rent the DVD(s) ASAP! Quickly lend it to rational people who could be reasoned with, into not voting for Obama. Dinesh endorsed Mitt Romney as a vastly preferable alternative to Obama– the only viable alternative who could beat O, actually.

    Dinesh explained some of his basic premises: Obama is the purported son of a Kenyan colonial (this makes him a dual citizen, maybe triple including Indonesian, which Dinesh did not mention). His main driving force is anti-colonialism. He assumes America is wealthy, not because it earned it, but because it stole it from innocents. Therefore, anything taken from us and “redistributed” is just. His mission is to cut America down, reduce its influence, power and wealth, so it would in fact be much less “exceptional.” I still remember in 2008, when Obama said that America is the greatest country in history, but he would fundamentally transform it. Hmmm. People cheered wildly like idiots at the time.

    Obama does not think America is exceptional at all. He is oblivious to the boundless opportunity that exists here- citizenship, security and wealth, if earned. Dinesh has friends who say they want to live in a country where poor people are fat :-) . Being American is embracing a way of life.

    But Obama is redefining the relationship of citizens to the state, where the state becomes central to our existence. This is….. un-American.

    He pointed out the absurdity of Obama’s “you didn’t build that mindset,” where the entrepreneur gets no credit for inventing, building, succeeding. O thinks that because he may have gone to a public school and unused public roads, that all credit– and all legitimate wealth ownership– accrues to the state. “Society creates all wealth.” Therefore, he is justified in taxing and regulating as much as possible.

    He cited examples of Obama’s international wealth re-distribution, such as the money to Brazil to develop its oil, with our only claim being to “wait in line” to buy some later. He also debunked Obama’s claim that he had nothing to do with that- using Obama’s own words, as he did frequently in the movie. the most damning indictments of Obama- were by Obama or his major associates.

    He also debunked sentiments that Obama is a bungling amateur, stating that the awful results of weakening America are exactly what he intended. At one point, Dinesh used the analogy of a coach calling plays for his own team to lose– calling it “Global Baseball ‘Fairness’” :-) .

    He pointed out that Obama has supported international actors openly hostile to the USA, such as opposition Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Gaza, Libya and even the Iranian Mullahs (he allowed them to crush all opposition, while he helped opposition movements in other countries). Dinesh failed to mention that we are also supporting al Queda, too.

    Dinesh felt that many people and media outlets support Obama to gain “racial absolution.” He poked fun at pathetic examples, such as Chris Matthews of , who becomes an effeminate freak, experiencing “thrills up his leg” over Obama. He cites racial absolution as the root cause. He greatly laments the media blackout, even falsehoods, in reporting the sins of the Obama administration, covering him seemingly at all costs. He said the media have “stopped being journalists and become an extension of the Obama administration.” There is extensive “news suppression and discrediting the messengers.”

    Dinesh interviewed George Obama in Kenya for the movie. Months later, he received a frantic plea from George for money for a son’s operation. Dinesh wired money, but wondered why “his brother’s keeper in the White House didn’t pony up any cash at all. Kinda says it all, huh? It’s the heartless Conservative who could be relied upon.

    He fears a disaster if Obama is re-elected and could then run wild (“2016: Obama’s America”), without the necessity of ever being accountable to the electorate again. Then, there are the Supreme Court appointments, Czars, being “flexible” after the election for “Vladmir” and others, bailouts, deficits, QE, and much, much more.

    Dinesh feels that “Obama” is not a secret Muslim, but that using Muslims as agents to weaken America is part of the plan. Others disagree and say Obama is a cultural Muslim or even a religious one. I believe he only worships himself, Marx/Alinsky and perhaps cocaine.

    He must have really believed that, because when I asked him why he didn’t raise the highly questionable presidential eligibility of Obama in his movie, replied that it was a good question, but speculative, even conflating it with Joel Gilbert’s Frank Marshall-Davis is the father theory. Strange, since that would confirm Obama as a natural born Citizen, the very opposite of what I was saying. He totally ignored confirmed, not “speculative,” info on Barack’s foreign father, possible triple citizenship, settled law and the information about forged vital documents, stolen Social Security numbers, no valid legal proof ever produced and millions spent to hide information about birth, medical, travel, school, finances,work and much more. Hmm, speculative, huh? My thoughts were that he left it out because it would draw attention away from his many other valid points, much the way it happens to Donald Trump, when he tries to talk about the economy, or anything else except Obama’s questionable eligibility.

    By the way, while Dinesh was traveling to Camarillo Tuesday to give his talk, members of our Tea Party were serving an Occidental College executive office with legal papers related to their records on the subject of his lecture.

    .................................................. .........

    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    I TOLD YOU SO ! D ' snooza did not tell enough about obummer , and did not even hint at his ACTUAL ineligibility .

