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From the Blogosphere: Comments on Obama Eligibility and Possible Identity Theft

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  • From the Blogosphere: Comments on Obama Eligibility and Possible Identity Theft


    Give Us Liberty


    "It gets curiouser and curiouser.

    Although Attorney Apuzzo believes Obama has a definite obligation to appear in court in Georgia on 1/26 to testify, there's a big probability that he won't show up. The worst that could then happen is a $5 fine and his name would not appear on the Presidential ballot for Georgia -- but only IF the Georgia Secretary of State decides to bar Barry from the ballot.

    Now, here's a new development coming out of this mystery. It may be that Obama actually is eligible as a "Natural Born Citizen" and his only real crime is identity theft. How is that possible ? Well, without any genuine birth certificate, "Obama" could have been born anywhere -- even in Harlem in New York City, as one researcher proposes. His real father could be anyone -- even Malcolm X (aka "Shabazz"). That story by Martha Trowbridge is gaining some legs.

    Of course, Obama could have been born in Kenya. That's why we need a genuine birth document -- to show where on earth he actually was born. Since his attempt to manufacture an Hawaiian birth certificate has been closely investigated by computer experts -- and shown to be a forgery -- it seems
    very improbable that he was born in Hawaii. So which alternative story do you prefer to believe -- that he was born in Kenya to Barack Obama, Sr. or that he was born in Harlem to black radical Malcolm X ?

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch, there is a posse led by Sheriff Joe Arpaio rounding up some facts to demonstrate the truth of WHO the man sitting in the White House actually is and WHERE his birth occurred. Sooner or later we may learn the TRUTH.

    However, please vote to reelect Barry (" Obama/Soetoro"') or ("Shabazz"). He has a great record of performance in improving the economy, leading America out of the recession and preventing the environment from being polluted via dirty coal, filthy oil and ugly pipelines -- even if it comes at the price of higher gasoline and utility bills, destroying JOBS, and delaying our country's ever becoming independant of foreign energy sources. After all, he is very articulate and good looking -- and has boosted the popularity of the Teleprompter and the creative use of Czars and Executive Orders. He is an inspiring role model, rising from Community Organizer to become putative President of the U.S.

    Only in exceptional America could something like this happen. Stay tuned for new developments in this ongoing soap opera. The rest of the world must surely be laughing at this comedy/tragedy."

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman