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Why Did Obama Not Attend Thursday's Hearing in Atlanta? -- P&E, Sharon Rondeau

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  • Why Did Obama Not Attend Thursday's Hearing in Atlanta? -- P&E, Sharon Rondeau

    Why Did Obama Not Attend Thursday’s Hearing in Atlanta?

    White House Schedule Shows No Entries Until 1:00 PM

    The Post & Email
    (site is under maintenance at time of publishing)
    Sharon Rondeau


    "Barack Hussein Obama’s Georgia counsel, Michael Jablonski, had stated that it was “unreasonable” to expect Obama to attend the ballot challenge hearing in Atlanta on January 26 at 9:00 a.m. ET.

    The White House has been posting Obama’s activities day by day this week, and the schedule now reflects that his schedule was open on Thursday morning. However, The Post & Email has been told by a source that Obama watched the entire hearing remotely. Is that why his morning schedule was open?

    At the beginning of this week, the presidential schedule was devoid of entries. Various external reports were published each morning stating that he planned a trip to the West beginning on Wednesday following his State of the Union address. Currently, the schedule shows that he spent time in Nevada on Thursday and then flew to Michigan for an address on Friday morning.

    During the early afternoon hours on Friday, Obama went to Cambridge, MD and was scheduled to return to the White House at 3:00 p.m. for a 3:30 meeting with Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. The meeting was closed to the press.

    What was the purpose of Obama’s trip? None of his stops appears to have been a campaign event. What was achieved as a result of his travels at great taxpayer expense?

    There is nothing posted on Obama’s schedule for next week, either.

    In an article dated January 28, 2012 due to the time zone difference, the UK Telegraph has reported that Hillary Clinton intends to leave her post7 as Secretary of State to retire to teaching, reading and “private life” before the end of Obama’s term. However, Hillary is reportedly polling ahead of Obama in a hypothetical presidential bid for 2012.

    Is Barack Obama resigning? What was discussed at the meeting with Clinton and Biden?

    On Wednesday evening, the Los Angeles Police Department and “military” carried out “multi-agency tactical exercises” reportedly to “ensure the military’s ability to operate in urban environments.”

    Is the U.S. preparing for martial law or some other unusual event? Is the country preparing for “riots in the streets?”

    Were the training exercises part of a plan to instill martial law in the United States upon Obama’s order, to prepare for civil unrest in the wake of an Obama resignation, or for some other reason?

    Does Obama now have “absolute power,” or is he losing command absolutely? Does he appear to be seriously campaigning for re-election? What did he discuss with Biden and Hillary Clinton?

    Did the ballot challenge hearing yesterday cause a shift in the paradigm that the “first black president” was untouchable by the rule of law? And is his pick for Attorney General, Eric Holder, about to be ousted following his scheduled testimony to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on February 2?

    Obama and Holder have both been involved with Project VOTE, an affiliate of ACORN, which has been found guilty of collecting fraudulent voter registration signatures.

    How much fraud was perpetrated by Obama and Holder in keeping Obama’s secrets from the American public?

    If Holder is forced to resign, who will protect Obama?

    And on a perhaps related note, where has Dr. Conspiracy gone?"

    View the complete article, including reference links, at:
    B. Steadman