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What Do Kenyan Ministers Know that Americans Don't Know? -- WTPOTUS, Bridgette

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  • What Do Kenyan Ministers Know that Americans Don't Know? -- WTPOTUS, Bridgette

    What Do Kenyan Ministers Know that Americans Don’t Know?

    Who Should We Believe? Obama or Kenya’s Government Officials?

    We The People Of The United States



    "Hoping as we were to find out exactly who Barack Obama is and to have his legitimate, valid documents presented to the Court in Georgia last Thursday; we still don’t know his real name, his origins, or anything else about his background, other than what was presented in his fictionalized book, Dreams, and the information presented on a forged birth certificate. Perhaps we should look again to African officials who gave unsolicited statements about Barack Obama. When these officials spoke, it appears they did not know that the U.S. Constitution has strict requirements for the Office of the President. For if they knew, it is doubtful they would have spoken on the record as they did. What government holds the answers?

    Current Minister of Kenyan Government Declared Obama Was born here in Kenya” and is not a “Native American!”

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman