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Citizen Letters to Georgia Secretary of State, Brian Kemp -- The Post & Email

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  • Citizen Letters to Georgia Secretary of State, Brian Kemp -- The Post & Email

    Citizen Letters to GA Secretary of State


    The Post & Email



    Note: The following is only one of the two letters published.

    "Dear Secretary Kemp,

    Sometimes it is better if you have no knowledge of “law.”

    In Judge Malihi’s opinion that Obama is eligible as a Natural Born Citizen, one has to wonder if Judge Malihi has knowledge of America’s Revolutionary War and the Constitutional Convention in 1787.

    What Judge Malihi wants me to believe is that after fighting the Revolutionary War, the founders would have insisted on “only a Natural Born” American [citizen] would be eligible to be POTUS and would have included a British Subject son [Obama JR] in command of the American Armies. NO such thought process would have occurred in 1787; it is simply NOT possible. Yet, Judge Malihi’s opinion would have us believe a King George’s son born in Washington, D.C. would be a “NATURAL BORN CITIZEN’ and eligible to command the American Armies. Only a fool could believe that. Didn’t happen!!

    Factually, Mr. Alexander Hamilton had first drafted Article II that required only a “citizen” could be POTUS. That draft was REJECTED by the convention and future U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Jay’s concern of “Foreigners” in command of the American Armies required the convention and George Washington to insert “only a Natural Born Citizen” could be POTUS.

    Judge Mahili also is stuck on English common law which was eliminated by the Revolution. Instead, America adopted “Natural Law” as can be seen by the Declaration of Independence and the wording of the Constitution itself. So under “Natural Law” as adopted because common law was rejected with the victory over the British King George in the War, a child born of an American mother and of an American father can only be a “Natural Born” American [citizen]. The child can have no other legal definition; it is only by Natural law. The child could NOT be French, German, Italian or any other nationality because he had American PARENTS [Plural]

    Hopefully, this tragic opinion of the judge will be appealed which is progress since Americans, like myself, have been told since June, 2008 they have no “standing” to ask Obama to prove he is eligible.

    I have many complaints about Judge Mahili’s opinion [his opinion only], but I will stop and say that I have included below a letter from another American, to which I agree, to you which I copy for simplicity for you to read again.

    Please, please seek others opinions and rule that Obama can NOT be a “NATURAL BORN AMERICAN [ CITIZEN] because he was born a Brit(1) and can NEVER BE LEGIT. He should NOT be given access to Georgia ballots until the matter is resolved to America’s satisfaction.

    (1) Please see the 2008 campaign statement as to Obama being “BORN GOVERNED” as a British Subject at his birth [wherever] under the British Nationality Act of 1948.


    Donald Cundiff"

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman