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How Long Can the Issue be 'Evaded'?, Open Letter to Chief Justice John G. Roberts

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  • How Long Can the Issue be 'Evaded'?, Open Letter to Chief Justice John G. Roberts

    Open Letter to the Honorable John G. Roberts Jr., Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court


    The Post & Email

    Dr. David Earl-Graef, LtCol USAFR MC


    "It has now been over three years since I last wrote you begging for the good of the Country the Court take on the Presidential Eligibility issue which continues to cause division and angry discourse among the Citizens. The opportunity has been before you multiple times and still you deny the American people a hearing on the Merits. Justice Thomas in a House subcommittee last year appears to have confirmed that the Court is intentionally “evading” this issue which indeed seems to be the case. If this is the case to what good end do you see this avoidance? I do not desire to cast aspersions but I am perplexed at the workings of the court seeming to hear and decide cases which, in the weight of importance, pale in comparison. I shake my head in disbelief. Rest assured I would not raise such questions as these and those I am about to if I had not heard Justice Thomas indicate you had taken a course of evasion.

    I know as an experienced Physician an early diagnosis and treatment improves outcomes. Do you not think the same principle applies to the healing of our Nation? We are now headed rapidly into another general election with the question of the Framers intent relevant to Mr. Obama regarding the “Natural Born Citizen” clause hanging over us. To add significant weight to the situation we now have several Republican candidates for President being vetted with a parent born overseas.

    We are divided on the issue and in need of resolution. I am now hearing my fellow Citizens who support Mr. Obama begin to cry foul that those on the Right who challenge him on the eligibility issue “hunker down in silence” when it comes to the “Darlings of the Grand Ole Republican party”. Take for instance Bobby Jindal and Marco Rubio who some have touted as excellent choices for Vice President or perhaps President in the future. I am convinced that NEITHER Mr. Rubio or Mr. Jindal meets the requirements under the definition of a Natural Born Citizen. I am NOT saying that either of them would NOT be a good President. This is NOT about political views as it is NOT with Mr. Obama. This is NOT about race as Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum whose fathers are foreign born are also not immune. I am saying that the “cult of personality” or the partisan desire for power does not trump the rule of law for if it does we are NOT a Nation of laws but rather of men.

    Those who accuse the Right of hypocrisy are absolutely justified to do so! They were right in 2008 when they questioned the eligibility of Senator John McCain only to have their concerns ignored and then “fixed” by Senate resolution 511 (interestingly supported by Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama himself ) declaring McCain eligible. Is this how our system is intended to work? Issues of Constitutional import get “fixed” by Congressional Resolution? I think not. While Rome is burning it appears the system of “Good Ole Boy” and to not leave out the ladies “Good Ole Girl” cronyism has no problem reaching across the aisle when it comes to helping themselves. No wonder John McCain dared not broach the Obama eligibility issue as he was already beholding to Mr. Obama. No wonder the “Established Republicans” sit on their hands mute like guilty children paying penitence and do NOTHING but to ignore pleas from their own constituents to support the Constitution. Shame on all of them; they are a National disgrace. How can they wonder why the public holds them in such low esteem? But I digress.

    I am certain the court must be aware of the recent ballot challenge in Georgia in which the defendant Mr. Obama chose willfully to ignore the Court and not produce any documentation to support his claim that he is eligible to be on the ballot. It is obvious that the decision by Judge Malihi in favor of the defendant is fatally flawed as the defendant produced no documents, no sworn testimony and in fact the defendant produced absolutely nothing in defiance of a court order even though the burden of proof according to Georgia law resided with the defendant in the affirmative. This decision and Secretary of State Brian Kemps decision to uphold the ruling no doubt are going to appeal and there are other cases pending. Does the court not think it wise to settle this issue urgently? Certainly the Court recognizes that the preservation of the integrity of the free election process we are approaching hangs in the balance. To this effect there are pressing questions that deserve immediate answers."

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman