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A Reader Asks Why Republicans Have Succumbed, or Surrendered, to Obama -- P&E

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  • A Reader Asks Why Republicans Have Succumbed, or Surrendered, to Obama -- P&E

    A Reader Asks Why Republicans Have Succumbed, or Surrendered, to Obama


    The Post & Email

    Richard H. Irish, author of the P&E published open letter

    "The following letter was sent to Mr. Jeffrey Kuhner, author of an article entitled “End of the Constitution” which appeared in The Washington Times on February 10, 2012.

    Dear Mr. Kuhner,

    Very worthwhile piece! I pray that readers take it to heart.

    As a boy, this octogenarian remembers the speeches of Hitler and the “Fireside chats” of FDR, before the days of “instant media” when we had radio and the weekly newsreels at the “movies”. But when Obama came upon my view during his campaign for the White House (I missed his 2004 convention speech), I immediately recognized that this guy was an ANTI-American character. When he spoke of “remaking” this country, I realized you do not “remake” something until AFTER it is destroyed. Expressing my concerns to my elected representatives went for naught.

    The thing that HAS amazed me is that Obama/Soetoro/etc., has undertaken his campaign of destruction of our Constitution WITH THE FULL COOPERATION AND SUPPORT OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!

    As a Washington observer (if NOT an “insider”) do you have ANY idea as to WHY the RINOs have been so submissive to this guy? I realize that we have (or at least HAD) THREE branches of government; but I know of nothing that PREVENTS Congress from engaging in acts of support of that oath that members ALL swore; yet are now choosing to ignore! I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but my “Webster’s” defines “enemy” as “one who seeks the injury, overthrow, or failure of an opponent; something harmful or deadly; a hostile unit or force. One who shows hostility or ill will”. If THIS does NOT express Mr. Obama/Soetoro/etc’s. position regarding our Constitution, I don’t know what does! EVERY member of Congress has sworn to “support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC” yet I do not see a ONE of them rising to do so. Oh yes, they all pontificate regarding their “grave concern” (but send donations) and whine about the “President’s agenda” (but contributions for my reelection are welcome) as they tinker about the edges, but there is NO attacking this onslaught at the SOURCE! Therefore, my question to you is:

    As this observer and commentator, do YOU have any idea WHY there is NO opposition to this assault on our Constitution, our Nation AND our People? I will truly appreciate any information you may provide, and I’m sure there are many of your readers with similar questions.


    Richard H. Irish

    View the complete open letter at:
    B. Steadman