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Obama Ballot Challenge Filed in Missouri -- The Post & Email, Hector Maldonado

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  • Obama Ballot Challenge Filed in Missouri -- The Post & Email, Hector Maldonado

    Obama Ballot Challenge Filed in Missouri


    The Post & Email

    Hector Maldonado


    "Dear Patriots,

    I am dedicated to the ideal that each of us can impact the outcome of the 2012 elections. This Tuesday ironically Valentine’s Day 2012, at 08:15am in hearing room 5, in the basement of the Missouri state capitol building there will be a hearing on the second attempt to force the Missouri Secretary of State to properly have vetted and certify with best evidence available, the credentials of the President and the Vice President in accordance with the U.S. Constitution.

    In 2010, during my campaign for the U.S. Senate; I was required to provide evidence of eligibility to run for office. If I had failed to do so by such date, I was going to be removed from the primary ballot by the Secretary of State. In my case she was doing her job and I proudly obliged. Later, I found out that I was singled out or flagged according to the person at the elections office.

    The president continues to profess that we are all to play by the same set of rules. As such I have taken it my personal responsibility to ensure that all candidates running for federal office this year play by the same set of rules. All candidates, including the President and Vice President need to provide irrefutable proof of eligibility. Furthermore, in spite of the 2000 report from the inspectors general office published in Kansas City, all documents must be submitted and verified for authenticity. No exceptions will be made if we are all to truly play by the same set of rules.

    Within all of us, as true Americans, there lies a common thread. A thread that has been pulled, twisted, and frayed for over 235 years and yet, it remains unbroken. Through the years, this common thread has given those who walked before us the strength to build a nation, and the courage to guard and defend it from all challenges, foreign as well as domestic. Generation after generation, despite all their faults and differences, their imperfections and prejudices, our ancestors always found a way to band together as one nation in a time of need or peril, until now.

    Today we are more divided than we ever have been in American history. We find elected state and federal officials take an oath to support and defend the U.S. Constitution but then turn a check to suit political interest. As an officer in the United States Army, I have taken that same oath five times in my 15 years of service. The first time I took the oath was on August 14, 1995 when I became an American citizen. American Military men and women like me take that oath seriously and we are willing to give our lives to defend it. It’s a personal insult to Veterans when politicians ignore their duty to support and defend the U.S. Constitution and they don’t. There is a complete lack of true transparency and oversight in our political process."

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman