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Atty. Orly Taitz Will Not Be Representing Farrar at the GA Superior Court Hearing

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  • Atty. Orly Taitz Will Not Be Representing Farrar at the GA Superior Court Hearing

    Update on GA and other states. We had similar problems with the additional fee and other problem, that were resolved

    Defend Our Freedoms Foundation

    Orly Taitz, Esq.


    " ... usually it is required for an in state attorney to co-sign the case, when the case is handled pro-bono (at no charge to indigent client) and/or it is a civil rights case, the requirement for the in state co-counsel is waived. Judge Wright was not willing to waive this requirement. I got a response from her, she wanted full compliance with the in state counsel co-signing and additional information. While I have no problem supplying additional information, It is impossible to find a co-counsel who is not frightened to take upon these most explosive issues, dealing with Obama using a stolen Social Security number and a forged birth certificate.
    So, I advised my clients, that they can proceed pro se. David Farrar, who is a resident of GA, has a better chance both legally and ligistically, and he will contimue pro se with this appeal. The pleadings are already there, so there isn’t much left to do, but wait for the response and the ruling. Other plaintiffs, who reside in other states, probably will not proceed pro se, but I might bring a case on their behalf in the federal court.
    .................................................. .
    One way or another the case will go further to the Supreme court of GA and to the Supreme court of the US. Even if Wright decides in our favor, it will be appealed by Obama. I am licensed with the Supreme Court of the U.S. and I will be able to pick it up as an attorney there."

    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman