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Is He or Is He Not? -- Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012

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  • Is He or Is He Not? -- Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012

    Is He or Is He Not?

    Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012



    Is He or Is He Not?

    How March 1st Could Crumble Obama's Presidency

    I.M. Citizen

    Friday, February 24, 2012

    "It has been a raging controversy for some four years, a very long time in this 24/7 news-cycle world. It has included software experts, politicians, private investigators, judges, attorneys, a pastor, a billionaire, the president and a sheriff, just to name a few. It's not often a controversy can boast such a cast. And on March 1, 2012, it is a lock that the cast will grow and so will the headlines. If you haven't heard, next Thursday is the day that Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio will hold a press conference to disclose the findings of his office's official investigation into the authenticity of President Obama's birth certificate. What can I say, “it's baaaack”.

    But before you roll your eyes, sigh and look to click another headline, allow me a few more precious moments of your time.

    Last spring, when Donald Trump pretended he was going to join the election campaign I followed the shenanigans. It was classic Trump and for his ability to generate headlines and for his "outlaw" candidness, he is a favorite of mine. Obama, not so much. So, I confess, when Trump called for Obama to release his birth certificate, I watched, not so much for the birth certificate, as I'm no "birther", but for the "squirm factor." And to see Obama cave to Trump's demand, based on an obvious ruse, was special. Come on, we've been listening to the supreme ruler tell us what to do and how to do it, while he does what he wants, when he wants, for a long time now. It was overdue. So when The Donald got in his face and started snorting, we were able to see the flaws in Obama's facade and in a perverse way, that spectacle cracked a "take that" nugget locked up deep inside me. The Donald snorted, the supreme ruler folded and the country was a better place for a few days.

    Anyway, at that point, I thought the issue was finished. Silly me. So when I read that Sheriff Arpaio was holding a press conference based upon findings from a year long investigation, I thought I'd better bone up on the details so that, come Thursday’s main event, I wouldn't be caught off guard. It turns out, there's quite a bit more to this birth certificate thing than most know, certainly more than I did.

    From what I've been able to uncover, we have Hillary Clinton, her supporters more specifically, to thank for this soap opera. During her prolonged and nasty campaign against the supreme ruler during the democratic primaries, questions regarding his citizenship first hit the papers. Issues raised were his place of birth (America? Kenya?), his middle name (Muhammad rather than Hussein), his given first name (Barry? Barack?) and his religion. Now, only the absurdly naive wouldn't acknowledge that this was Clinton supporters mucking it up in hopes of rocking the Obama campaign. In June of 2008, The Review, apparently not absurdly naive, called for Obama to release his birth certificate to put an end to this distraction, so we could all get back to the thrill of watching Hillary and Obama slice and dice each other on national television. Fair enough. I mean, what's the big deal? It's a silly issue that can be done away with in a heartbeat. It's easy, just release the birth certificate, show the social security card and flash the ID. I have to do this routinely, for a hell of a lot less than the presidency, don't you?

    Well, the supreme ruler, based on his advanced mental prowess, no doubt, decided to start a website. Primitive from a web designer's perspective, Fight The Smears, posted Obama's Certification of Live Birth (the short form birth certificate). And there the tale should have ended. Not.

    It didn't take long for the American public to go to work on the posted certificate and shortly after, critics began to raise questions regarding its authenticity. Why, for instance, did it not have a State Seal on it? At this point, because the American people were now involved, the Democratic party circled the wagons, and had every prominent Democrat from Boston to Hawaii issue a statement regarding the legitimacy of Obama’s short form. In addition to being experts on what is best for you, they're document experts too, don't you know. Unsatisfied, calls from the people went out for the release of Obama's long form certificate.

    In 2009, CNN announced that, based upon their research, Hawaii had destroyed all paper birth records in 2001. Obama's long form birth certificate no longer existed, therefore the short copy is the official copy. And it is here, for me and probably most of you, that the book on the supreme ruler's past was closed. Mostly.

    Enter James David Manning and Orly Taitz.

    Manning is chief pastor at the ATLAH World Missionary Church in New York City. Although a pastor, this man of faith is no angel, having done some stints in the pokey for burglary, robbery, larceny, criminal possession of a weapon, and other charges as a young energetic lad. He came into the public spotlight during this time with very harsh criticisms of the Democratic Party, American black culture and Obama's background, or lack thereof.

    Taitz is an attorney for hire, and like all lawyers for hire, she benefits as much from headlines as she does fees. She has her own website ( complete with Hollywood-style photos and a donation button, naturally. Taitz has been involved with a string of cases that range from zany to zany. Her briefing and courtroom skills have been called into question and she has been sanctioned for attorney misconduct (slapped for $20,000 as well). She is also the poster-girl for the "birther" cause, as her website clearly points out.

    Using secret connections and private investigators throughout the country, Taitz has compiled information that includes:

    Obama has numerous Social Security Numbers

    His passport is invalid and the person cooperating with the FBI regarding this matter was shot in the head

    There is a Kenya birth certificate with the name "Barack Obama" and it is authentic"
    .... (bold and underline emphasis added)

    View the complete 'Obama Ballot Challenge' presentation at:

    View the complete, original referenced article at:
    B. Steadman