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CDR Kerchner (Ret) PA Ballot Challenge Post Hearing Interview -- Birther Report

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  • CDR Kerchner (Ret) PA Ballot Challenge Post Hearing Interview -- Birther Report

    CDR Kerchner (Ret) PA Ballot Challenge Post Hearing Interview

    Birther Report



    "Without reaching the merits of the challenge, Pennsylvania Judge Keith B. Quigley dismissed the ballot challenge lodged against Barack Hussein Obama II by Charles Kerchner and fellow Pennsylvanian Dale Laudenslager.

    The Candidate’s Affidavit in PA is routinely signed under oath stating the candidate is eligible for the office they seek. Candidate Barack Obama did not sign under oath the Candidate’s Affidavit which states that he was eligible for the office he is seeking. He did not even sign it at all. The top half was filled out by a lawyer on his behalf and the bottom part with the signatures was left blank. See copy of Obama affidavit here. It was subsequently learned that a Pennsylvania statute provides an exception for presidential candidates that they do not have to complete the Candidate Affidavit, and Obama availed himself of that exception. Hmmh, I wonder why. Other presidential candidates such as Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, and Rick Santorum signed the sworn affidavit stating they were eligible for the office they seek. But since Obama did not sign his, and under PA law he did not have to, it gave Obama an escape hatch in that Obama was not claiming to PA that he was eligible for the office he seeks and thus the court said it did not have any jurisdiction over his eligibility and dismissed the case. The court refused to hear any arguments from the objectors’ attorney, Karen L. Kiefer, that Obama has not proven to any controlling legal authority his exact citizenship status or true legal identity. The court ruled that it is not their jurisdiction to determine candidate eligibility and legal identity for presidents and dismissed the case. So once again we see that no one in the entire USA is willing to assume the responsibility for vetting presidential candidates and thus a fraud like Obama gets away with his criminal identity fraud and as a result of the PA challenge being dismissed, he will thus get another crack in PA to continue his usurpation of the Oval Office and ignoring of the U.S. Constitution, Article II Section 1. I and others will continue the fight and battle to expose the fraud Obama is."

    View the complete Birther Report presentation, including embedded video, at:

    B. Steadman