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Vital Records Indicate Obama Not Born in Hawaii Hospital (Part 3) -- The Daily Pen

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  • Vital Records Indicate Obama Not Born in Hawaii Hospital (Part 3) -- The Daily Pen


    The Daily Pen

    Penbrook Johannson and Daniel Crosby


    "DIRTY LITTLE SECRET: Historical evidence provided by the National Center for Health Statistics and the U.S. Reference Library System now confirms the information appearing within the image of Obama’s alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth” disregards his actual foreign birthplace while, instead, providing a statistically based “geographic allocation” which is a result of a widely misunderstood natality data reporting policy which began in 1950. Stalling for four years since Obama announced his candidacy in February of 2007, under mounting political pressures and legal challenges, the White House unveiled a lone scrap of counterfeit information in the form of a desolate internet image which, after a six month criminal investigation, now confirms that Obama’s presidency is the single greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people."

    "NEW YORK, NY – Barack Obama has misled millions into believing he is eligible to hold the office of the U.S. presidency by exploiting a little known secret about his Hawaiian-based natal records and a little known vital statistics reporting anomaly used by the State of Hawaii to process it in 1961.

    Following a six month investigation by an Arizona-based law enforcement agency proving that the image of Barack Obama’s alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth” is a digitally fabricated forgery, it has now been confirmed that the information contained in the document, which claims he was born in the state of Hawaii, is nothing more than the result of a widely misunderstood statistical reporting trick.

    As early as 1934, this arbitrary, but necessary policy was enacted by the U.S. Census Bureau and later written into law with the passage of the Model State Vital Statistics Act of 1942. It was then fully adopted by all state-level vital records agencies, including those within the then territory of Hawaii, in 1950 in order to improve the collaborative accuracy of data harvested by America’s decadal census and statistics reported annually by state vital records agencies.

    Though commonly practiced by vital records data collection agencies of federal and state governments as a means of defining “residency” in birth data reporting, the policy completely disqualifies birth records as the only source of information about a candidate to determine Natural-born eligibility to hold the office of the presidency. The birthplace shown on a birth certificate is shown as the result of the mother’s place of residence, not the location of the occurrence of the birth.

    (bold and underline emphasis added)

    The truth about this information is so damning to Obama’s fraudulent assertions of presidential eligibility, counterfeiters and leftist propagandists operating on behalf the liberal establishment chose to digitally fabricate, conceal and misrepresent these critical facts prior to submitting public information about Obama’s natal history."

    View the complete article at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 03-13-2012, 03:23 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, "Vital Records Indicate Obama Not Born In Hawaii Hospital (PART 3)", which was started 3/13/2012 by 'rxsid'

    The thread references the article by Penbrook Johannson and Daniel Crosby and having the same title posted 3/12/2012 on 'The Daily Pen'

    View the Free Republic thread at:

    The following is COMMENT #65, by 'butterdezillion' in the thread:

    "The problem with this reasoning is that it doesn’t distinguish between what the State Health Departments did and what the CDC did. TABULATIONS were done by the CDC, and the requirements he talks about were in regards to TABULATIONS, not reporting on actual birth certificates. The standard 1961 birth certificate has a place to list the location of the birth and several questions to determine how to classify the mother’s residence. The residence questions were for the sake of the CDC’s TABULATIONS. Nowhere is it said that the Island/County of Birth field on the BC doesn’t mean the actual birth place. Both the birth place and the mother’s residence were supposed to be listed accurately - but the CDC based most of their tables on the mother’s place of residence rather than place of birth (as indicated by the headings for each table). The CDC COULD HAVE bases their tables on either one because both were supposed to be accurately reported in the appropriate place on the standard BC.

    So when the CDC stuff talks about the location of birth being gradually used less, it’s talking about how the CDC TABULATED and reported the statistics, not what was actually reported on the BC’s they got the raw data from.

    The same mistake was made in the first report in this series. It was assumed that the HDOH sorted out the BC’s by geographic code, but the 1961 Natality Report says that the CDC (not the state health departments) did all the CDC coding themselves, based on actual copies of the BC’s that they received from the health departments. The HDOH didn’t do any coding for the CDC in 1961. They just collected BC’s that had the information that the CDC wanted to be able to analyze."
    Last edited by bsteadman; 03-14-2012, 01:22 PM.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      FINAL REPORT: Obama’s Birth Announcements Fail To Show "Natural-Born" Status

      The Mombasan Son

      Penbrook Johannson


      "A new investigation of Obama’s birth announcements appearing in Hawaii’s two primary newspapers in August, 1961 shows, conclusively, they were the result of a registration record taken by the municipal health authority, not a medically verified “Live" birth documented as occurring at a Hawaiian hospital, per an officially defined "vital event" by the U.S. Department of Health, National Vital Statistics Division protocols."

      By Penbrook Johannson Editor of the Daily Pen

      "In August, 1961, two announcements allegedly showing a “native” birth for Barack Obama were published in Hawaii’s two primary newspapers, the Sunday Advertiser and the Honolulu Star. For more than three years since Obama engaged his unvetted candidacy for the presidency, many of his supporters have lauded these blurbish announcements as the "holy grail" of proof that he was born in the state of Hawaii. However, a detailed investigation of the history and procedures used by Hawaii’s municipal health department, and its relationship with the newspapers, shows that not only was it a matter of official policy that Obama’s birth would have been announced in the paper regardless of where he was born, the information used to publish the announcements is not even confirmed through any eye-witness medical authority or hospital in the state.
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      “The birth announcements were printed from unconfirmed information provided to the Newspapers by the Department of Health without the DOH or newspaper editors confirming the actual location of the birth with any hospital in Hawaii,” says Crosby in a phone call from Oahu, “I found thousands of birth registration records of children born outside of Hawaii who have their announcements published in these two newspapers by cross referencing the announcements with the U.S. Department of Health Vital Records Report for Hawaii.”
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      “They (newspaper editors) don’t confirm “native” birth status,” continued Crosby, “The newspaper doesn’t care if the birth occurred in the local hospital. They don’t even print that. They merely published information provided to them directly and exclusively from the Department of Health in 1961, which means that any birth meeting the criteria of this law can be registered, and therefore published in a newspaper announcement.” “The birth location is mistakenly implied by people because it appears in this newspaper. I also found several birth records in Japan for birth's registered in Hawaii.” A review of all the birth announcements in Hawaii in 1961 reveals other evidence suggesting a disconnect between the Department of Health and Hawaii’s hospitals. First of all, as shown by Crosby, all the announcements show the parents as married and living at the same address. “This is not merely a majority of the announcements, this is actually all of them. Every single one! Approximately 16,000 in all!” Crosby said. He continued, “This is a significant indication that the newspapers actually do not investigate the information provided by the DOH (Department of Health). If they did, they would have seen that there are more than 1000 births recorded in Hawaii in 1961 in which the parents were not married and/or only the mother is recorded as the parent, yet the papers still publish Mr. and Mrs. ‘Whoever’ in the announcement because that is the information registered, not medically verified.” If the DOH doesn’t include accurate information about the parents for birth announcements, in all cases, what makes people conclude a native birth even though the DOH also omits accurate information about the location of the birth, as well? Crosby also discovered that the announcements are in a tale-tell order which exposes a shocking fact about Obama’s birth announcements. “Did anyone notice the announcements are not in any alphabetic order, or in order of birthdate? This is because, in 1961, birth registration numbers were issued based on the location of the local Vital Records office in which the registration was recorded. The hospital does not assign these numbers, the DOH does. It appears that Obama’s birth was registered in an office not used by any of the birth registrations offices who received birth certification from either Kapi-olani Medical Center, or Queens Medical Center which use two local offices near those facilities,” said Crosby. He continued, “It appears Obama’s birth was registered with the satellite office near his grandparent’s home some distance from the offices nearest to and most used by the hospitals. This particular office was commonly used by indigenous people of Hawaii wanting to record births of children outside of the city. This is why the U.S. Department of Health created the Certificate of Live Birth template in 1959 with a check box indicating whether or not the child was born in the city limits and if the residence of the mother was a farm or not. It appears Obama’s birth at least did not occur in the city of Honolulu and, at most, did not even occur in the state of Hawaii.” In 1956, the National Vital Statistics Division of the U.S. Department of Health issued a revised template version of the “Certificate of Live Birth” form to be used by state municipalities to record and medically verify births. Since Hawaii had not yet become a state, these revisions to the template would not be used in Hawaii until 1959. Therefore, birth records created after 1959 were subject to demographic clarifications and metrics prescribed by the federal authority of the U.S. Department of Health, not the state of Hawaii. “This also explains why Obama’s birth announcements appear in the succession of announcements where and when they do. His alleged “Certification of Live Birth” is not approved by any federal authority as an official source of demographic data or medical verification of his birth. It is merely a record of birth registration. Therefore, the order of printing of announcements in the local papers comes directly from the list which is ordered based on the birth registration office location, not the chronological or alphabetical order of the medically verified birth.” Crosby’s says the difference between “medically verified” and “registration” are significant. He interviewed former Vital Records Adminstration, Martin Hesch in order to gain understanding of the different procedures and authorities used to create vital records and public announcements in a medical verification process as opposed to merely registering a vital event with a municipal office. “I think people simply want to believe a simple equation to this issue,” said Hesch, when asked why he thought so many people ignorantly believe what they are told about Obama’s records. “That is why they think that a birth announcement in a local paper is somehow an automatic indication of a local birth. Unfortunately, they wrongly accept a locally appearing birth announcement as an indication of medically confirmed ‘local birth’ and that just simply is not the way it is in most cases in Hawaii in early part of its history. The media also wants Barack Obama’s natal circumstances and documentation to fit the traditional record model because it is too disturbing to them to think that they were so easily deceived… but we also now know they do not fit this model.” Hesch went on to explain that there two primary authorities to consider when understanding vital records administration. First, you have the medical verification of a vital event, like a birth or death, and you have the administrative process which documents, records and files them. “Birth events and deaths are unique because they require medical verification in the form of official original documentation attested by a medical authority, and, most importantly, the possession of that original documentation is maintained by the local authority,” says Hesch. “However, an administrative process such as that used in birth registrations (not medical verifications), marriages, divorces or amendments to vital records are presided over by legislative rule, not medical standards. This means that they are not exclusive to some originating medical authority. That is not to say that a judge in a divorce case would not require a medical record in making legal decisions, it just means that the standards used to document administrative processes are different than those used to document a medically verifiable vital event in the U.S.” Hesch explained this is why it is possible to publish a birth announcement for a non-native birth. The announcements in the newspapers are the result of the registration records held by the administrative authority, not the records created by the medical authority."The birth announcement is automatically triggered by the creation of the registration through administrative process, when the municipal record is provided to the newspaper, not the creation of a medical verification record by a medical doctor or hospital,” he said. “The birth can actually occur anywhere and if the announcement does not disclose the location, there is no way to know from just the public announcement whether the vital event is a local occurrence or not."

      (bold and underline emphasis added)
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        The following is COMMENT #194, by 'Seizethecarp' in the Free Republic thread:

        “And this is a point that doesn't seem to be sinking in in some circles. Barack Obama Sr was DEAD BROKE. How does he pay for pleasure travel (for himself and Stanley Ann) back and forth to Kenya when he couldn't even pay to fly himself over here in the first place?” (COMMENT #187, by 'DiogenesLamp')

        "I expect that BHO Sr.’s sponsors (parents, missionaries, Cora Weiss, Tom Mboya, KGB?) would give him just enough to meet his expenses and no more while in school, just as any good parent/guardian/sponsor would do to encourage him to focus on his studies.

        I am keeping my own son that same age on exactly that short leash.

        However, just as with my son, if an emergency arises that might threaten his ability to stay in school, I have substantial resources that I can use to “rescue” him if he gets into trouble (without creating a moral hazard of enabling bad behavior, of course).

        Two such emergency or special occasions in 1961 warranting the production of extra funds for BHO Sr. and/or SADO to return to Kenya come to mind out of the pockets of his sponsors.

        First, SADO getting pregnant and the bigamous marriage was fraught with legal and reputational peril to BHO Sr.’s educational plans. Senior was supposed to be studying but he was banging coeds and putting the large sunk cost of his backers at risk. In 1961 a black man getting an under-age white girl pregnant in or out of wedlock could get Senior thrown out of college, deported or worse and eventually did get him deported (suspicion of sham bigamous marriage to obtain immigrant status clearly in INS FOIA docs).

        So to avoid losing their sunk cost in Senior and his promise as a future leader in Kenya, the sponsors would be highly motivated to spend money Senor wouldn't normally have access to to “get rid” of the problem marriage and pregnancy. What better way than to make the problem “disappear” by removing SADO from HI first to Kenya and subsequently to WA? Only SADO need go to Kenya to solve this problem, perhaps sending her to the waiting arms of the missionary ladies who partially sponsored Senior. Or it could have even been Frank M. Davis a high level KGB operative who would not have wanted FBI to have ammunition to go after him or Senior whom I also believe was KGB in training (big Marxist while in HI and back in Kenya).

        Second, there were momentous historic events back in in the summer of 1961, IIRC. Senior, as a Kenyan princeling, might well have been invited back with SADO to participate in celebrating the release of Kenyatta from prison by the British signaling capitulation to eventual Kenyan independence and a ticket ruling perks for members of the elite of the Luo Tribe."

        The following is an excerpt from COMMENT #221, by 'Seizethecarp' in the thread:

        "That article* is speculative with no claimed evidence and includes one big error which is that SADO needn't have been “very pregnant” at the times she could have flown to Kenya. The writer admits that the last evidence of SADO in HI is the claimed marriage on Feb 2, 1961 (supported elsewhere by the marriage index and divorce attestation of a marriage).

        On that date SADO wouldn't even have been “showing” a pregnancy and could have easily she could have until at least the sixth month which was about May 1961 or even beyond.

        Also the writer's attempt to dispute SADO being in Kenya depends solely on his attempt to show that BHO Sr. himself didn't go to Kenya. My speculation does not depend on Sr. going to Kenya, but only SADO being packed off to Kenya to get “the problem” out of sight to avoid damage to Seniors career prospects of an elite future that he shared with all of the Mboya-sponsored Kenyans in the airlift or not.

        In contrast to the pure speculation in this article, Jerome Corsi has obtained photocopies of a claimed Kenyan government report including interview details with Mama Sara in which she says she was present in Mombasa for the birth of Barry. This pregnancy might well have been hidden from Mboya or alternatively, Mboya might have been complicit in helping to hide it to avoid a stain on his precious Kenyan student body in US colleges.

        Corsi also claims to have an official Kenyan Gov't report of a search for and report of missing records for Barry's CPGH BC that was so suspicious that a criminal investigation was suggested to prosecute the thieves. According to the Kenyan Gov't docs in Corsi's possession, the search for Barry's BC in Kenya was requested by Bush's US ambassador to Kenya! Where there is smoke??? The Kenyan docs that Corsi claims to have provide more evidence of a birth location for Barry in Kenya than any other location, IMO. I also believe (speculatively) that the recent defector from Odinga's staff who has thrown in with Corsi could well vouch for Barry's Kenyan birth and have had access to the missing BC docs, if Odinga was complicit in removing them."

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        * The article referenced in COMMENT #219, by 'DiogenesLamp' is titled, "Why Obama Was Not Born in Kenya', by Don Wilkie, American Thinker, 4/19/2011, linked below:
        Last edited by bsteadman; 03-16-2012, 05:28 PM.
        B. Steadman

